Forum Discussion

nhoang1's avatar
New Contributor II
5 months ago

Cox Panaromic Gateway with Wi-Fi 6E vs iPhone 15 Pro Max

It is CGM4981 (PW8) model which I had it exchanged to the old one (PW7) recently. And , my iPhone was updated with IOS 18.0.1. And, the issue is - WIFI is lost when upstair (and iPhone was supposed to switch to AT&T data 5G as I expect)

(1) I select to "Forget This Network" in order to re-elect the network/password sign in >>>>WIFI OK!

At this moment, I notice that "Private Wi-Fi Address" is shown under Wi-Fi network.

WIFI is OK at downstair with both "Private Wi-Fi Address" and "Wi-Fi 6E" are shown. But, WIFI is lost within a few seconds when upstair. To get the WIFI back, I perform step as (1) above.
Any clues, please.

References: My network setting is CGM4981 and Cox Wi-Fi pod at downstair; another Cox Wi-Fi pod upstair (this one will cover the Wi-Fi range)



  • Hello nhoang1, if losing your home networks connection once you go upstairs. Being that the modem was replaced recently. You may need to reinstall your pods. We would recommend when setting them back up to bring them to the room where the modem is located. Then reinstall them using the app. This may help with the coverage concerns upstairs once the pods are returned to their prior locations.


  • nhoang1's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Thanks, Danny.

    It was done as many times as I recalled - no lucks at all. I did some more researches - either the Cox Panaromic Gateway (PW8 has 3 Wi-Fi bands - 2.4; 5 and 6Ghz) or iPhone 15 Pro Max (only) causing this unreliable connection. I even check Wi-Fi connection of iPhone 15 Pro Max from the Cox modem/router as 6Ghz.

    Anyway, Wi-Fi connection is fine whether downstair or upstair (sometimes it just a matter to power cycle the iPhone or "Forget This Networkk" in order to re-elect it)

    I still playing around with this issue; trying isolate other devices as Cox Wi-Fi; turn off "Wi-Fi 6E " from iPhone, etc. I have had chat with Apple Live Chat who recommened me to senior adviser who have not called me yet ???

    ...more inputs :-)

    • ChrisJ2's avatar

      Hi, there. I'm so sorry for the issues you're having and I want to help. You should not have to power cycle your phone, or forget the network profile to reconnect. This indicates a wireless issue. I would again suggest repositioning your router as small corrections can go a long way towards correcting wifi-related problems. It is best to make sure that the modem/router/gateway is placed in a central location in your home. Even if this is not always possible, when it comes to streaming, you will want to make sure that you limit the walls and objects that are between your devices and your modem/router/gateway and use a wired connection whenever possible. Also, you will want to ensure the router is elevated off the floor as high as you can manage and away from speakers, TVs cordless phones, etc...After you have repositioned the device, reset it so that it can analyze the wifi and change to a cleaner channel and retest. Let me know if that helps and thank you for your patience.

  • nhoang1's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Came to Apple store to have a quick test (internet speed, hardwares, etc...) and it passed. Went home to move two Cox wifi pods to other location which is not farther than. The WIFI's result is 50/50 working status. 

    Wish my Cox Panaromic gateway was installed upstair in the center of the house at first. It was installed with fiber optics. Anyway, the modem/router is still at downstair. Two Wifi Pods at upstairs are far apart from one bed room to the upstair walkway. Today as of Oct 20 th ,2024 after 12:00 pm, the WIFI consistenly connected. All 2.4, 5 and 6Ghz are shown on iPhone (COX APP). Not sure how long it is going to be last :-)

    If asking the technician to reinstall the Cox Panaromic gateway, is it free services? Or, how much cost to be?

    Thanks, Chris.

      • nhoang1's avatar
        New Contributor II

        I, finally exchange the Cox Panoramic Gateway (PW8) to another one and the WIFI issue is resolved. The WIFI connection is working with the network configuration remains the same - Cox modem/router at downstair and two Cox WIFI pods at upstair. Happy to see "Wi-Fi 6E Mode" automatic and "Private Wi_Fi Address" fixed are shown on iPhone 15 Pro Max. This is what I expect to; therefore; WIFI connection is OK around the house.

        Anyway, another question is all three WIFI bands (2.4, 5 and 6 Ghz)  are shown on the router itself (; but, not in my Cox account. Why ? Thought, the iPhone shows "Wi-Fi 6E Mode" meaning 6 Ghz is utilized.