11 months agoNew Contributor to Yahoo
For this conversion to Yahoo do we who have the cox. net email need to create an account with Yahoo prior or wait, or is this even needed?
FWIW, I also use Outlook and went through the transition recently. I needed to do the following and suspect you will also:
Thanks cwb3106, Were you able to just use the "app password" and change the server names to your existing account or did you have to create a new one with the Yahoo template?
I re-used my existing Outlook accounts for Cox email (I had two). FWIW, they were set up for POP, but I think IMAP should work the same.
Hi cwb3106. Since you mentioned that you had two Cox email accounts, I assume that you now have two yahoo mail accounts with separate passwords. Did you have to generate an app password in both accounts? I am asking this because I have and old email account which is now part of yahoo and I do use an app password for that in my Thunderbird app. So if we have multiple accounts do we need multiple app passwords even if it is the same app? Thanks.
I don’t know if I needed to generate different app passwords but I did.