Forum Discussion

zxmcbv's avatar
New Contributor
12 months ago


I had a great modem that produced Outstanding Service for it's specifications: The Motorola MB8600.  It consistently got 6msec pings about 900Mbps down and 95Mbps upload with the cox gigablast service level.  I have everything that can be wired, wired into my main network switch including all of my google nest wifi access points.  My network is pretty solid.  My issue is with the latency of the google home notifications from my doorbell and cameras are pretty laggy.  I wanted to find a way to improve the lagg time from when a camera would produce an event to the time it would send me the event from my notification service.  I researched all of the modems on the compatible modem list from cox and found only a couple of brands that i was willing to first of all trust motorola being my most trusted brand and arris my second.  I researched the CableLabs Certified list of modems that support the LOW LATENCY DOCSIS standard and compared it with the cox certified list of modems to weed out the modems it wasn't apparent were actually qualified/certified.  I got my list down to the Motorola MG8725 and the Motorola B12 modems.  I ended up going with the Motorola B12 because I didn't need the wifi portion of the MG8725 because I was already invested into the Google Nest Wifi Mesh Network.  After ordering the Motorola B12 i got it swapped out and activated through the chat app on cox.  The results are less than expected.  I haven't gotten to talk to a level III technician but the level one technician says that it's online and signals look good.  Yes I'm able to verify that as well.  Level Two Technician says yes the software and firmware match what COX lists as the applicable software and firmware on the modem.  If the feature you asking about needs support I need to consult my third party manufactorer.  Hello the feature I'm inquiring about is a CABLE SPECIFICATION FEATURE.  COX OWNS this and is the only one who can touch this.  My third party manufactuer can't do anything with my modem.  It's hands off once it's online.  Cox controls it once on the network.  There is litterally zero setting on my modem I'm able to change, adjust, control, touch, affect, nothing.  My question to COX, Is COX enabled the LOW LATENCY DOCSIS feature at this point or not?  Just tell us.  Also If so, Is the COX LOW LATENCY DOCSIS feature being advertised as the GAMER ELITE SERVICE?

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    zxmcbv wrote:

    Also If so, Is the COX LOW LATENCY DOCSIS feature being advertised as the GAMER ELITE SERVICE?

    Pretty sure these are two different things. Gamer elite is a rebranding of the WTFast service. It can work with some games but it's hit or miss at best and snake oil at worst. Low latacy DOCSIS is not a service you buy but a technical capbility between the modem and ISP. See here for info on Comcast's trials. Cox usually follows Comcast so I predict trials are coming soon to Cox.

    • zxmcbv's avatar
      New Contributor

      My question to COX, Is COX enabled the LOW LATENCY DOCSIS feature at this point or not? Unless your a COX representative, please don't mark this as "SOLVED".  Want to know if and when is COX implemented this technology?

      • ChrisJ2's avatar

        Hi, there. The LLD specification is part of CableLabs DOCSIS 3.1, so I believe it is implemented as it is part of the specification. I have inquired for more information from our DOCSIS team and will reply to you with a more definitive answer when they get back to me. Thank you for your patience. If you're having an issue with your service, let us know. Please email us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. We will do our best.


  • The experience you're describing is pretty comparable to my experience with these Google products.  It's my belief this is probably more of an issue with the Google infrastructure.  As for your low latency DOCSIS inquiry, I doubt you'll find anybody at Cox that knows the answer to that.

    • zxmcbv's avatar
      New Contributor

      This is the ultimate test whether or not the company COX cares to address customer concerns.  Or are they satisfied with keeping us in the dark and fending for ourselves.  This is the official platform for interacting with the company to find these types of questions out.  These are the types of question I know sales don't touch in the stores because they are promoting the perferred cox modems.  But here where there should be ability to have an actual technically inclined representative field questions that won't ever be addressed within sales department is what forums were built for.  If this forum can't produce the nitty gritty answers then it's a waste of time.  In my opinion, there are less than 120 total modems authorized to connect to cox.  Why isn't there dedicated forums for each modem?  And Exactly how many COX employees are even assigned to manage and field questions on these forums?  It seems the questions are being left primarily up to the community without company leadership engaged here.  I appreciate Chris's involvement and engagement but I would prefer to see Threads ASSIGNED a moderator clearly at the time they are created.  Anyway, thank you Chris for your help and support and patiently waiting to hear the answer to the question: Is LOW LATENCY DOCSIS implemented and operational for customers who have capable/compatible modems from the COX approved modem list?  If so, is there anything needed on the customer side to request this be enabled or is it automatically implemented if the capable/compatible modem is connected to the COX network?

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor
        zxmcbv wrote:

        If this forum can't produce the nitty gritty answers then it's a waste of time.

        If you don't like it, feel free to leave.

        zxmcbv wrote:

        Why isn't there dedicated forums for each modem?

        Because, as you said, there are 120 modems that would have to have their own section. This forum isn't designed for that. I would suggest DSLReports or Reddit.

  • zxmcbv's avatar
    New Contributor

    No one making you read my questions to COX.  Are you making money from them replying to people's post?  COX employees are paid members who support (answer questions) from customers.  Sounds like you shouldn't have bothered reading my questions to COX Employees.

    • CurtB's avatar
      Valued Contributor III

      This is a user forum.  No one here gets paid unless they have by their name.   

      zxmcbv wrote:

      Sounds like you shouldn't have bothered reading my questions to COX Employees.

      If you only want replies from Cox employees, email your name, address and information to as posted by ChrisJ2 (2 Years, 62 Posts, 11 Likes, 2 Soutions).

      As of now:  WiderMouthOpen (6 Years, 2291 Posts, 393 Likes, 26 Solutions).  A forum error that Cox never explained deleted most of his posts last year.  Otherwise, his current stats would be considerably higher.  You probably lost your best chance of getting help in this forum.

      • CurtB's avatar
        Valued Contributor III

         WiderMouthOpen   I just re-read that "Where did all my posts go?" discussion that went from September '22 to January '23.  With the new forums UI, that discussion isn't closed anymore.  You ought to post in it and ask for an update   If you try to post and it's closed, it's because a moderator read what I'm typing and closed it to keep you from doing that.