Forum Discussion

ezridin's avatar
New Contributor III
7 years ago

Cox Hijacking DNS again

How do I stop Cox DNS Hijacking?

before, if I go to some non-existant web address, it used to give me some browser generic 404 message.

now? it tries to take me to:

Before, you used to be able to stop it by using Google DNS.  And I am currently running Pi-Hole on my network, which is defaulted to use Google DNS (and Pi-Hole was able to block that at least). 

Is Cox employing some new trick to hijack our DNS again?

  • ezridin,

    Pi-hole is beyond our scope of support, however, it sounds like there is a configuration error somewhere. Please try connecting a PC directly to your modem (bypassing your router) to test DNS settings. You can find support for Pi-hole on their website.
    Hopefully another forums member can chime in and be of help!

    Happy New Year!

  • ezridin's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Unfortunately, it is not a Pi-Hole problem.

    I have connected the modem directly to my computer.  Changed DNS to the DNS that is supposed to turn off hijacking (,  Reset both computer and modem.  Flushed DNS.  

    Still hijacking

    Changed DNS to Google DNS

    STILL hijacking

    Changed to other DNS services


    Would like to know what I need to do in order to turn off hijacking.  The fact that I am using Google DNS and still getting hijacked sounds like Cox is forcing its way in somehow still and not giving us any choice.  

  • Hello,

    I would check your system for any viruses. It is starting to sound like there is something else going on since this is happening while off of our dns.


    Allan - Cox Support Forums Moderator.

  • ezridin's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Checked, No viruses 

    and really?  blame a virus?  a virus that would be to Cox's benefit?  Is Cox writing viruses now to force DNS to use Cox no matter what?  (talk about an odd, very specific virus).  Then again, Cox does hijack our pages to add html to site pages so I guess that wouldn't be out of the question.

  • ezridin said:

    Checked, No viruses 

    and really?  blame a virus?  a virus that would be to Cox's benefit?  Is Cox writing viruses now to force DNS to use Cox no matter what?  (talk about an odd, very specific virus).  Then again, Cox does hijack our pages to add html to site pages so I guess that wouldn't be out of the question.

    Oh come now, why would a benevolent giant of a company like Cox, which has promoted itself as "your friend in the digital age" do such a horrible and nasty thing???  Such policies would cause them to lose their valued and respected customer to the (pause for dramatic effect) COMPETITION !!!!


    We assume no responsibility for a reader's inability to detect, process, or appreciate sarcasm.

  • ezridin's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I think I figured it out.  

    IPv6 DNS was not configured