Forum Discussion

lanitajackson's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago

Bad Service

I'm so sick of this internet issues. I pay 280.00 a month.   At this point I want a credit for last month. And this month if not fully fix by 15th. THE ENTIRE MONTH not a partial credit. I work from home and run a small business and there is NO Reason this request should be denied because you are very aware of the amount of Days we have been without working service. I will change services. Not to even start talking about the CABLE has been out as well.

  • Please know the purpose of the Cox community forums is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox services with other customers and we encourage our users to assist each other where possible via this avenue. Billing and account issues require the sharing of sensitive information to resolve which isn't best suited for a public forum. Please email us at with your full name, complete street address, Cox pin, the details of your concern and a link to this post. We look forward to receiving your email so that we may assist you.