Forum Discussion

Darkatt's avatar
Honored Contributor
2 years ago


It's ALIVE! Awaiting some new questions so I can hopefully help someone! FYI, I worked for Cox for 16 years, MOST of that in advanced Data support Tier 2. I enjoyed what I did. Prior to Cox, I worked for Dell as an L2 Software support agent, and developed the Lane Training using Virtual systems to recreate common problems, Head of Field Engineering for a Data processor, over 5000 pieces of hardware in the field, analog and digital communications, channelized T1, (Newbridge Mainstreet), Multiplexors and more. I love data communications and computers! BTW, New (used) Alienware coming in soon, I9 4070, 64 gigs memory, 2/2tb nvme. It's gonna be fun!

Lookin forward to the new forums, and helping out!

  • ChrisB's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hi All,

    I just wanted to share that we're working through some of these issues as we speak.  Notably:

    • The issue with photos is being investigated
    • Emoticons should now be available for use 
    • We believe that the issue with  "bad requests" has been resolved or improved, please let us know if you're still seeing this


    We'll be looking at the other items listed in this thread as well, but at least wanted to let you all know that we're making progress.  Thanks for your patience as we make improvements.

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      Still having issues with bad request. I have to re-log in every few hours instead of remaining logged in, and I have to clear cache and cookies or I get a bad request. I am REALLY starting to become frustrated as these new forums are a step backwards, NOT forwards. I could put together a forums server with a better usable format than this, and I have not been in programming since 1994. (Though I believe I still have a copy of MASM somewhere.....)

  • CurtB's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    To any moderator:

    In "My Settings" under "Email Notifications", I have the setting "Get Email Notifications" set to the right position (ON).  The description for this setting is: "Set the delivery cadence for each email notification type listed below".  I opted-in for each type listed in the section for "Receive email notifications when...".  Prior to doing that, I received no notifications of any kind.  Afterward, I began receiving internal forum "Notifications" (bell icon), but not email notifications.  The "My Settings" page references "email" four times.  If it said "forum" instead of "email", my notifications would be working properly.  As it is, "email notification type" settings are being used to select the forum actions that create internal forum "Notifications".  I don't actually want notifications sent to my email.  I'm just trying to get clarification for how notifications are supposed to work. 

    Does "Email Notifications" actually mean notifications are supposed to go to a user's email?  If it does, then that isn't working, at least not for me.  If you ever get Email Notifications working, how would a user opt to receive only internal forum notifications with the "Notifications" bell icon using the existing "Get Email Notifications" ON/OFF setting?  A mult-option setting would be needed to allow users to select forum notifications only, email notifications only, both, or none.



  • bryaninphx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Typing auto correct doesn't work.
    Typing doesn't notify me if a word is spelled wrong. I thought that was a feature of the browser?

    • bryaninphx's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Testing Chrome ofre auto corect, also not working.

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Spell check also doesn't work for me using Chrome and Edge for just this site. For long posts I suggest copy/paste from a email or something else that has spell check.

        For anyone missing emoticons you can still paste them from Windows using the Windows key + "." (period). 😎

  • These replies have been moved.
  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    I think the two big ones are being unable to upload a photo(for signal levels) and being unable to edit your OP. I hope those two are addressed and not passed off as "bugs". +1 for a moderator's input.

    PS. Now that I think about it, not being able to see the last posters is also a big setback to those that help on the forum.

    • CurtB's avatar
      Valued Contributor III

      Have you changed any forum settings?  Is yes, did you get an unformatted "unsaved" error when you tried to leave the page?  Were you able to leave the settings page without closing your browser?  Were your changes saved?   Where's the "save" button?

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    I appreciate the effort put into the new forum, but so far I am not a fan. Here are the things I don't like.

    1. Can't delete your own posts.
    2. Can't decorate your profile.
    3. Can't upload pictures from computer without moderator approval or some other glitch.
    4. Focused more on meta data and not so much on the discussion itself.
    5. Cap to how many posts you can make in a question?
    • CurtB's avatar
      Valued Contributor III

      I believe the cap limitation may be the maximum number of times a particular post may be edited without signing out and signing back in.  There wouldn't be a theoretical limit for the number of times a user can post in a given thread.  The incident probably occurred because of an issue with a thread created on the old user interface.  It shouldn't be an on-going issue.  

    • CurtB's avatar
      Valued Contributor III

      Other things that don't work, could be improved, or just FYI:

      1. Can't delete or edit an original post.  Edit:  Original post can be edited.  See below.
      2. Forum notifications for threads in which you participated are not on by default. 
      3. Community and forum home pages don't include the name of the user who last replied.
      4. Time-of-last-reply is only a link to the last reply on the Community home page, not from the individual forum home pages.  Fixed
      5. Home page "unread" number for each thread is just the number of replies.
      6. Discussions having replies since you last opened the discussion aren't identified.  
      7. Can't link to a specific reply, only to the thread.  Have to Sign Out and Sign In again.
      8. Links to replies posted on the old UI aren't found.  Why not?  It's just a URL.
      9. A new reply sometimes requires a page refresh for it to be displayed.
      10. Changes to profile settings in "Follows & Notifications" tab cause an unformatted "unsaved" error message.  Sign Out in Account Menu functions as an undocumented 'Save' button.  Fixed 10/11/2023
      11. Account Menu > Profile displays your recent replies with hyperlinks that may lead to the actual reply or may go nowhere.  It's more likely to work when you first sign in. Fixed
      12. A function is needed to change the parent post/reply of your own reply without changing the time of the reply.  This would be used to correct replies to the wrong post/reply.
      13. Need a way to locate old threads quickly without knowing what to look for and doing a "Search".  There's no page scroll or go to the oldest thread.  There has to be a better way of doing business than clicking "Show More" a bazillion times.
      14. If changes to a lengthy post you're editing disappear when you press "Reply", Sign Out and Sign In.  Go back to the reply you were editing and hit "Reply" again.  Your changes will be published.  There's no error message for that one, you just have to know.
      15. Community home page doesn't indicate which forum contains each of the threads listed.
      16. Old threads aren't locked.  New users may reply to posts that are years old.
      17. The "Related Content" threads in the upper right of this page may be years old.  How related is content from 8 years ago?
      18. After clicking a link to another forum thread or reply, clicking the browser back arrow doesn't consistently return to the original post. 
      19. Selecting text in another post and clicking the quotes pop-up displays the poster's name and the selected text in your post, but your post won't publish. Fixed
      20. The selection to follow "Internet" board isn't included under the "Follows" section of "Follows and Notifications" in My Settings when "All" notifications is selected.
      21. An unnecessary notifiation is created for a user's own post.  I already know I posted.
      22. Sign out occurs 60 minutes from time of Sign in, regardless of activity.  A timed Sign out should only occur after a specified interval of time has passed with no activity.
      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        As to point 1, seems you can edit OP. See screenshot here. Basically you have to click on the gear on the top right of OP then click on "edit".