Moving computer from WiFi 5 to WiFi 6
Got a new gaming computer that can support WiFi 6. Plug it in, getting it all set up. WiFi decides it doesn't like the computer. Everything else in the room and even on the same desk works perfectly fine with fantastic signal. So I think maybe the WiFi card needs to switch to the WiFi 6 channel on my Panoramic, which I set up when I got the modem a while ago. I can't adjust any of it through the admin portal. Not the name of the WiFi 6 part of the network, not which channel the new computer is on, nothing. It tells me it has to go through, which only tells me to download the app. I have the app on my phone and it offers NONE of those options. How the heck am I supposed to switch it? And why would everything else on this desk work fine on the WiFi 5 with full signal except this? It doesn't make any sense (no the network card isn't broken. I tried it in another room and the computer worked fine). Thanks.110Views1like2Comments