Scheduled Outage
For the first time, I received advanced notice of a scheduled outage to my service. It's on 2/27. Hooray! But 2/27 is a Monday, which is a day when I, along with most people I know, will be planning to get work done. When I was a systems programmer on a mainframe computer, we always scheduled major, planned outages for Sunday mornings from 00:00 to 08:00. Why doesn't Cox do something similar?821Views1like3CommentsPlanned Service Interuption
I am concerned about a notice I received in regards to a planned service interruption. I run my business from home and any interruption is a financial hardship - I need to know WHAT day and time this is to occur if I am going to be able to PREPARE. I will have to use a hotspot connection to keep my business up and running if this is in the day time hours. Why can't we be given more specifics so we can truly be prepared? Danni2.5KViews0likes7CommentsNetwork disconnection
Almost daily there is a drop in both wired and wireless connections and this has been the “as per usual”from Cox with every single reply of “ It must be your equipment” and then they would claim firmware updates or that the line has feedback from another uncapped line outside my property. Has anyone else had this same issue? Each time I formally complain at the customer care . I have the gigablast and panoramic wifi897Views0likes2CommentsInternet Down for a Week in CBD
I am not normally one to vent online, but I have been having a nightmare of an experience with Cox that starting to make me question my sanity. BACKGROUND: I live in a large condo building (maybe about 150 or so units) in downtown New Orleans and have been a Cox customer since 2005. I don't ever remember having an outage issue, the few calls I have had over the years have been related to speed and resolved promptly. The condo has a bulk account for basic cable which shows on my account. That contract ends in 2018. I also have Ultimate Internet on my account. My floor's wiring is separated into two closets on opposite sides of the building. On December 11, the condo manager sent out an email saying there were basic cable issues with certain residents. I do not use my cable TV, so I thought nothing of it. My Internet was still working. On December 12, she sent another email saying that Cox was having "plant issues" and residents were still having issues. On the same day arrived home at 5pm. At 5:15 my Internet went out. I immediately called Cox and the earliest they could get a tech out was Thursday the 14th from 5-7pm. The tech showed up at 8pm and stayed till 10pm without resolving the issue. I called Cox for follow up the next day and they sent a tech out on Saturday the 16th from 5-7. The technician arrived at 7:15 and stayed till 9:30 and thought it was a plant issue. I lent him a known working backup modem which had the same issue as my main modem - no upstream signal (3rd light blinks before starting over) either in my condo unit or in the wiring closet. I followed up with phone call last night and they suggested it could be my modem because my cable TV was working. I went to Best Buy, bought a brand new 6190 and it did the same exact thing after provisioning. They also said there was an overnight planned maintenance till 6am. My regular modem was re-provisioned before I went to bed and I woke up to no Internet. Today marks a week without Internet. I am absolutely disgusted with Cox, but have no viable alternatives for service. I am certainly going to lobby the condo board to cancel the building’s bulk plan at the end of 2018 because it’s the only way to speak with my pocketbook and the “savings” are nominal at best since Cox is now enforcing data caps. At this point I am just spinning my wheels and am afraid I will have a long Christmas break from work with no Internet service. Does anyone have a clue how I can light a fire under Cox. I am amazed that I am in such a populated territory and have not gotten a speedy resolution. Crossposted: dslreports & reddit2.1KViews0likes4CommentsWhy no "Service outage" notification page?
I came on the website hoping to find whether Cox's internet service is down in the McPherson/Lindsborg, KS area (October 4, 2016). But, of course, there doesn't appear to be any page on their website that provides that information. If there is one, the web designer has hidden it very well. It would be so easy to avoid all the calls to ask if there is an outage but Cox is apparently remaining loyal to its long-tradition of maximum customer annoyance. I don't understand why the regulatory agencies (in Kansas the Kansas Corporation Commission) do not require cable companies - which in Kansas is primarily Cox - to have a website telling people where they have outages. Without that information (accessible by cellphone since obviously the cable internet access isn't available), there is no way to know if it is my equipment (doubtful) or their service. I suppose Cox doesn't want anyone to know how often their service is down but the regulatory agencies - in theory - should be more concerned about the consumer than protecting Cox. Or that used to be the theory but I suppose we've (Kansans) abandoned that pipe-dream as well.1.5KViews0likes1Comment