Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesPicture in Picture? I recently got cox whole home DVR installed and was wondering if the PIP should be working? I am in NW Arkansas. Picture in Picture Why does Cox Advanced TV not support Picture in Picture controls? I was able to get it with the first Contour box. Why would that feature be taken away and can we expect it to return to later packages? On Demand goes to PIP Half of the time when I try to watch something On Demand it goes up to PIP and I can't get it to change. Even when I turn the tv off it's still there. I either have to wait it out or reset the whole thing. Picture In Picture issue I think what causes the picture in picture to start up while you're watching On Demand is pressing the fast forward multiple times. I just had it happen to me and that was the only button I tried once the show started.