starting to feel like cox stinks
on week 4 of same old mess & it is now a daily occurrence.. ps: to be told that there are no outages, equipment looks fine ** when you can't turn on the TV and watch morning news. NOTHING in the house has changed.. long time cox customer but lately it stinks.. WEEK ONE: started having random outages - both contour and internet.. "service tech" on the phone worked with us, got it working, then 2 days later the same thing . "service tech" on phone sold us the upgrade to panoramic wifi and new modem/router - saying our personally owned modem/router was the problem ($25+ a month more) WEEK 2: router arrived, installed and then 2 days later woke to the same problem.. the internet seem to reset itself but the contour box Froze. Wouldn't recognize the control.. screen telling us to get the remote closer to the box..etc.. Following on line advice, unplugged contour box.. took over 30 minutes but it reset and we could move forward. BUT it deleted the DVR recordings from the night before. This routine became the daily norm. I am an expert at pairing and unpairing the remote, refreshing, restarting box.. WEEK 3: This morning, happened again only this time it took over an hour to reset.. was on the chat-line with a tech for almost 2 hours. They logged into our account a managed to reset the system. Happened the next morning. Appointment set for Tech visit to house. While waiting for the Tech, the mess continued. days later, Tech came, twiddled with the wires, refreshed box, scratched his head.. Reported that the Main Junction box in the common area is severely damaged, Replaces our crimped cable & put in a work order. The next day - it happen again - was told the contour box must be bad - so drove across town to get another.. got it set up - worked... until the next morning. Appointment set for another tech. next available -- next week - as it wasn't deemed an emergency WEEK 3: AGAIN.. At this point nothing we do or the phone Tech fixes it.. we start watching YouTube shows on the TV.. Confirmed with Live Tech on phone, the main junction box has been fixed... confirmed and sent pictures showing their "line service techs" LIED. At this point, I'm pissed off angry crying on phone. We are still 2 days away from the service visit.. Lady on phone sets a "set up" appointment for the next day. Tech comes, pushes a few buttons on the remote and is able to activate the box.. He still has NO IDEA why this is a daily thing.. Gives me a "secret code to bypass the pairing unpairing fails. WEEK 3- Part 2.. Next tech visit.. the only schedule last week.. we are back to watching YouTube.. Guy comes in with actual equipment.. takes readings from the Main Junction box - still damaged, into the house, to the TV and box. Replaces the box outside on our house, replaces the splitter, runs new cable from new box to inside house. Refresh -- still won't activate.. used "secret code", gets everything working.. refreshes box doesn't work.. uses secret code again .. out on phone with another tech when it finally comes up.. He leaves us extra remotes, and implies that the outages and signal loss may be due to a damaged line in the ground from the damaged junction box. WEEK 4: AGAIN - first thing in the morning - gone again.. use code given us by the tech and get Contour box re-reactivate, but DVR is empty again. Next morning -- SAME THING.. As it is Sunday - will be on the phone first thing in the morning AGAIN... Ready to pull everything out and go with Verizon.. brand new modem/router, brand new contour box, brand new splitter, brand new box on the wall outside.. SAME SH1TTY PROBLEM.2.1KViews0likes7Comments- 704Views0likes0Comments
Contour DVR is garbage
This will be a major rant. We moved into our new house 2 years agon and since then nothing but issues with Contour's so called DVR. At the time we signed up for it nobody said anything about it being a cloud DVR (guess I should have researched it more). We came over from Directv because att was a major pain to deal with on billing but it seems Cox has followed in their footsteps. My issues are as follows. 1. Recordings are cut short and not by just a minute or 2 but a 1 hour show records 5 secs, a few minutes and then just stops recording. 2. Trying to rewind or fast forward a show at least 50% of the time results in delay and the screen appears to freeze and then the message that says there was an issue on our end or restart the box and tighten the connections on the box and at the wall. This is a major load of ** from COX which is nothing more than an excuse for old, outdated and crappy equipment. 3. Also whenever the internet goes down we cannot watch anything since the so called dvr is in the cloud and not a physical drive so there in lies another issue. In my opinion if I wanted to stream everything which in case you did not realize it yet is exactly what you are doing, the contour box is nothing more than a large oversized Amazon Firestick, Roku Box or any of many streaming devices. Oh and the picture quality on my 4k tv ** since I just discovered COX is downgrading the video to 720. 4. If I call in or chat with someone the first thing they say is we need to restart your box and if I hear that again I will explode and at this moment I am about to throw COX in the garbage and go somewhere else where at least I will get the same crappy billing issues and most likely service as well and by the way I do not like Century Link for internet because of the issues we had when they were qwest. End of rant2.6KViews1like5CommentsALL Cox Channels Have DISAPPEARED!!
Turn on the cable box and all you see is COX and five blocks through which a blue block keeps cycling, then an "Info" banner that says the signal is "temporarily unavailable - watch another channel" except ALL the channels say the same thing. Try to reset the cable box and of course COX says, "Outage in you area. We will fix it as soon as we can". But its going into the second day. Off course, being an unregulated government sanctioned monopoly, NO CREDIT FOR DAYS OF LOST SERVICE will be offered AND NO RUSH TO FIX IT WILL BE MADE. Twice in the last two months we were told of a planned outage to upgrade the system so we would have oh, so much better service (even though it is still worse, more unreliable, more intermittent than in the days of analog service in the 80's and 90's). Once by email, it would happen on July 6, they said. WRONG! On July 8, they email to say the wonderful update was done, and oh how lucky we are to NOW have such great reliable service. WRONG - NEVER HAPPENED! Then by door hanger on July 27. WRONG - NEVER HAPPENED! So is this >24 hour outage supposed to be the 6-hour outage that never happened? I doubt it! IT IS JUST A CONTINUED ABUSE OF CUSTOMERS SUBJECTED TO A GOVERNMENT GRANTED TV AND INTERNET MONOPOLY IN AN AREA WHERE THERE IS NO OTA CAPABILITY, AND COX HAS "CONVINCED" LOCAL OFFICIALS TO DENY PERMITS FOR COMPETITORS WHO WANTED TO RUN FIBRE-OPTIC FOR COMPETING SERVICES. "COX" - say it out loud - its all in the name.2KViews0likes6CommentsCustomer Service
Why does Cox make it so hard to give them feedback? Makes me feel like they don’t care! I got the worst service ever from Anthony Cortez in Las Vegas at the west Sahara location. He was completely wrong. I guess his misogynistic qualities wouldn’t allow him to apologize for his failed attempt at being a manager. Refused to allow me to speak was misinformed about my concerns and Misrepresented the company. I have never ever had a manager come up to me to tell me what my problem was. How does this make since. Literally refused to allow me to speak. When I told him that I already pay 370 dollars a month and that is the amount of a car payment. He said you still have to buy gas, oil, tires and routine maintenance. Since he wasn’t very swift, you could tell this was a well rehearsed statement. I am sure this is exactly how Cox has trained their staff to speak to a customer of 35 years.769Views0likes2CommentsTV Listings Removed from the Web
Why did COX (say it out loud - the name says it all) replace their local TV listings page with a page for sales of streaming products? Why did COX decide it was a good idea to downgrade part of the service I pay ever escalating fees for (even more money every year for fewer channels, poorer quality signals, frequent loss of all services and diffferent channel blocks) by REMOVING LOCAL TV LISTINGS FROM THE WEB. EVERY link to what used to show listings of scheduled shows for all the locally available channels - essentially putting the "Guide" online - have been re-routed to a sales pitch for various streaming upgrades and apps and services. I DON'T WANT STREAMING SERVICE! I WANT TO KNOW IF / WHEN CERTAIN SHOWS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON MY CABLE (OTT) SERVICE! Do they really want me to discontinue Cable TV service for streaming only? If I do it *** SURE won't be with COX (say it out loud - the name says it all).754Views0likes2CommentsInternet always messing up and contour box
So today I received a message from cox saying they had a service issue and they were fixing it. Hours later I received another message that said the issue was resolved. Well I have unplugged my internet and contour box and nothing. It makes me angry that when you are talking to a representative about how your things were working fine before the issue and they say they are going to charge you $75 to send out a technician. Firstly I've been with Cox for years. Secondly why would I give Cox money to fix a problem that they created and why are y'all charging ppl to fix the service we already pay way too much for in the first place. Help me to make this make sense! I shouldn't have to work all day just to come home and look at a wall for nearly 2 days before a "technician" can come out.812Views1like1CommentContour box slow to record or won't record or cancels my recordings on its own. Freezes.
Contour box slow to record or won't record or cancels my recordings on its own. I just had COX TECH CERTIFY MY HOUSE WITH MULTIPLE TESTING on 11/10/2020. Everything including the Contour TV Cable box checked out good. This has gone on since January 2020. I had 7 boxes in 6 months. Sign up to record 6 shows at once. I only have 1 tv. After a I delete a program. I have to wait 5 minutes to be able to record. This is my 6th box in 7 months. The first box lasted almost 2 years. 6 contour boxes since March 2020. June and July 2020 2 bucket truck Cox techs said there is an ongoing problem in Atlanta. I'm paying for a service that works well half the time. They have been upgrading services around here for severals months now so I get lots of slow downs or no services. I'm sick of calling the Cox Tech Dept about these on going issues.676Views0likes1CommentRented movie that already started, times out and won't play
My husband and I rented a movie last night. We fell asleep watching it, so we wanted to finish it today (48 hour rental). However, the tv now states that we don't have access to that channel since it's not in our normal 'list' of channels. But how were were able to rent and watch it last night? There is no error message provided either, only the 844 number to call and subscribe to the channel. Curious and wanting to finish the movie ...778Views0likes1CommentNew post?
Can I voice my frustration with Cox? Given Pandemic I realize things will not be easy... but why did it take one month to finally get someone to inspect the cable lines leading into the house?????? One whole month. Dozens of frustrating chats. And several blatant lies that a service ticket was set up... shameful. It was a extraneous moca adapter... found that out a month later. We don’t have a choice for service. When do get a choice, it will never be Cox. shameful service. You left my elderly mother without internet and TV for a WHOLE MONTH due to customer service INCOMPETENCE. *** COX.1.4KViews0likes1Comment