High data usage on one day
Hello, my tracker is showing I have one day with extremely high data usage at 291 GB, meanwhile all the other days are at around 23 GB and Cox is giving me no explanation on what caused this. Anyone know how this can happen? I barely watch tv, do not game, work computer was off, and my cell phone was not connected to the internet.810Views0likes2CommentsData Usage inconsistencies
First, we are a 20+ year customer of Cox. We live on an acre+ with 2 neighbors within wifi distance. No one is on my network, as I authorize devices identified on my network. I have a long history with Cox to compare. Sooo... Cox had all sorts of issues in our neighborhood last month. I had a tech come out and he identified some cable issues...which was old and had a splitter in the roadside box with a branch to nowhere in an unknown conduit. Changing the cable/adapters helped a bit, but we still experienced drops. About 2 weeks later a new board was installed in that node and the system is a bit more stable. However, with as much down time as we experienced in the month of November, we somehow set a new record high data usage. So far this month, while trying to push usage down, I'm still on pace to equal that of November. To compare...We used less than 600 GB in September and about 800 in October. November went over 1100 GB...and we have never exceeded 1000 prior since caps data caps went into effect. Over the years, we tend to run around 700-800GB/mo. Now it seems I have a 50% increase for unknown reasons. I went thru every device last night and the settings are dumbed down on every device. We stream on Amazon Fire sticks mostly. This has been the setup for years. I know this isn't significant, but inconsistencies bother me. It should not fluctuate like it does. The wife and I are boring. WE don't even watch HD movies. We mostly watch old shows, news, home improvement, travel, golf, etc. Not 4K HD live streams. I can't imagine how that would effect the usage....or would it? Do we have any control over usage? We don't vary much in our lifestyle/viewing habits, yet the results fluctuate wildly...how is that? I'm still looking for that answer after many requests...and now doing so again after a record setting month with no explanation as to why. In Mesa AZ.526Views1like1CommentData Caps are not balanced in 2020
Hello. Data Caps are absolutely a joke. They're systems put in place to simply generate more money. In 2020, almost EVERYTHING is online, taking up bandwidth. Right now, countless people are going over their data caps during this pandemic and Cox is collecting on them like the mafia. If you think $50 ADDITIONAL is fair for this packet loss ** service, stop reading. Data caps are extremely unbalanced. I just went to check on my data usage, and its over 1tb again. I shouldn't have done it to myself, but here we are because of your practices COX. I wanted to see if i was hitting my data cap and if i could simply download something without going over. And guess what lol, I hit my data cap, and, well, i still want to simply download something. I want to use my service that i pay $100+ a month for. I don't want to pay $10 per 50 gb to continue to use my service. In what world is this not an insane, mafia-esque tactic? Maybe Trump's America and with Ajit Pi's damage, but lets not even go that far. How in the world is it not insane, with some of these frivolous game downloads are 100gb +? So, if I download 5 new games, i hit about 500gb. Thats half of my data cap for 5 big games. Thats not streaming or actually playing them either. Thats half or more, GONE, just from using my service normally. Then those same games have updates that can also be 100gb. So now there's 5 updates a month, thats another 500gb. Thats my data cap lol. AND THEN we have streaming movies, the bandwidth it takes to actually play the games etc. It makes absolutely no sense. In anyway. At all. Ever, in 2020. You have to be the thickest headed person in the world to think this is any semblance of fair, or someone who makes money from these practices, or Ajit Pi himself. It is absolutely infuriating. I can't use my service normally. A big game comes out in a few days: Cyberpunk. Right now my data is at 1000gb. And I'll be downloading Cyberpunk. And that will probably make me go 100gb over my data cap. And that will run me $10 per 50gb. So potentially $20 just to download a game. Not to buy it, but to download it, to use the service which i already pay for. Simply raise the data cap or remove it entirely. There is no way 1tb is a fair and balanced data cap in 2020. There is no reason to make people feel ill over their data usage. There is no reason to make people pay an additional $50 to use their $100 service normally. Imagine not really having $50 to simply hand over out of the blue (and before someone says 'what about the money you spend on the games,' lol, i'm most concerned with the games i've already bought, deleted to make room, and now download again to play). I'm not a person who wouldn't miss $50. I need that $50. You obviously dont and you obviously know that. I want the least stress possible, especially from an INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER. I don't want to think about if a download is costing me $20-$50 for something I already own... Some day it'll change but until then, guess I'll just keep feeling ill over the situation, in the midst of a pandemic, while you make money from it. Here is the $20 I owe you for the 100gb patch that automatically downloaded overnight while i slept. I'm sorry, I should've payed more attention. Oh, there's another option? $50 for unlimited? So I can pay $20 extra or $50 extra. What about the third option where I already payed you $100+ for the month of service, and I don't have to cough up more?943Views0likes1CommentData Meter shows 1.2TBs of usage over 5 days?????
I had my internet installed this past Saturday (Aug 1, 6 days ago) and over the next two days, had pretty average values for usage. Then on Tuesday, my data SPIKED to ~600GB over one day. Then 300GB and 200GB respectively on Wednesday and Thursday. How is that possible? To give context, I'm a student whose classes started on Tuesday. I've downloaded around 800MB of books, PPTs, and PDFs over the past few days. I've listened to maybe 3hrs of low-def lecture via Zoom each day with around 2hrs/day of YouTube (so 6hrs the past 3 days). There HAS TO BE A HUGE DISCREPANCY SOMEWHERE. Hundreds of GB of usage is absurd.884Views0likes1CommentAnother Victim of DATA Usage SCAM
Going to pay an extra $100 for data usage overage. Woo hoo. My usage has been the same over the last twelve months and occasionally (twice) have a $10-20 overage when kids are off. Do I get credit when I don't use 1024 gb per month? no Support option - change your wifi password or sign up for $30 or $50 extra per month for data. Yes that sounds brilliant. I did find out you can add a data overage for the camel hump month and then cancel versus having for the full year. My only option - let them feel some pain. Cancelled and returned my cable tv main box and extra box. It a sad business practice when gouging for $$ is allowed.5.9KViews1like21CommentsExtreme increase in data usage
Since I have renegotiated my price my internet data usage has spiked to more than 2X my previous usage. I added the additional 500GB of data so I wouldn’t go over and now this month I am on trend to use more than the 1TB + 500GB. I’ve changed my network password and name, even factory reset it. No new devices or software are being used. Has anybody else experienced this? I’ve spoken to tech support over the phone and they’ve been utterly useless and suggest I up my plan AGAIN to the unlimited. I feel like Cox is doing this to me on purpose!16KViews0likes12Comments