DVR 'resume' feature
In the past I have been able to begin watching a show on one TV then move to another location and complete watching the show from the other TV by selecting "resume" on the recording. Lately this feature is seldom available and the only way I can NOW move from living room to bed room (for example) to finish watching a baseball game is to make a note of where the game is at time wize then fast forward to that point to continue watching. Why is the resume feature no longer available? FOLLOW UP QUESTION: iS THIS REALLY THE BEST YOU CAN DO FOR NEARLY 250.00 PER MONTH?1.2KViews0likes1CommentOn demand series episode offerings.
I just became aware that the second season of a series that I was interested in viewing - The Expanse - had recently premiered and had the episodes that had been aired live available on demand. I had lost track due to the long delay between seasons and was now excited to resume watching a series based on novels that I had read. Accessing the series on demand, I found that episodes 2 through 6 were available but episode 1, the series premier was nowhere to be found. My question is: Why in Gods name are not all of the episodes listed and can I access the first one in any way? This is just another irritation in a long line of frustrations in the design and operation of this service and is actually motivating me to start searching other options that I can subscribe to online that will meet my needs so that I can cancel this service and save a not insignificant amount of money each month.1.2KViews0likes1CommentMultiple TV channels & on demand not working at all.
Several of my channels give me error codes and haven't worked since I've had the service. Some of them work every now and then but rarely. A few months ago my Cox on demand function stopped working altogether won't even open the main screen. I've had a service technician come out about the random channels not working but was unable to figure out the problem. The technician had mentioned something about a possible filter on the box outside but couldn't get to it due to a tree? When the On Demand issue started i dealt with customer service over the phone for sometimes hours and brought me through tier 1, 2, and 3 of problems with still no resolution. Tired of paying full price for half the service. Any help would be appreciated.1.7KViews0likes1CommentPandora Internet Radio
On a previous version of the Contour box, Pandora was available through the Interactive Services Menu. On the new Contour box, with a new remote, there does not seem to be an option to access the Interactive Services Menu. However, there are Apps available through the Contour button on the remote. Should there be an App for Pandora??3.2KViews0likes5CommentsI have to pay for service that is not provided... what a scam!
After they switched over to the "NEW" and NOT improved service (digital, I think) I could not watch a whole program without it going out several times during the show time. I also LOST all of the channels that I had previous to that and when we inquired about it, they had no answer. They also recommended restarting it. So we restarted, and restarted and finally gave up, as it didn't do any good. I called, stopped by to talk to someone, called some more....... The whole time we were paying an outrageous bill for "service"? and there was no service. I had to constantly re-boot the computer to use it. Finally....... they sent someone out! I thought I would be able to watch TV! NOPE! He just gave us some jibber jabber that didn't make any sense and then added $$$ dollar signs to our bill if we wanted it "fixed" and he left us to our non service/but full payment status! That was the final straw...... I stopped paying (since I had no service to pay for) and now they are sending me bills like crazy "after" shutting me off! When will we get "choices" for services that actually work? It seems that we are dealing with a "Monopoly" (which is actually illegal).... Since they don't offer another "comparable" service in our area, we are stuck using COX or nothing...... Either way is pretty much the same results. The only difference is that we pay over $150 a month for Little to nothing with COX and the "complete nothing" is FREE...... Am I disgusted???? Oh, *** no! It's waaaay beyond that!1.3KViews0likes1CommentTV Channels Missing
For the past month our TBS channel (OKC channel 731) has not worked. The non-HD channel 62 works.. but HD 731 does not. We called the first time about 3 weeks ago.. and after running all of the tests they could not determine what was wrong. We were supposed to have received a call within 24-48 hours and did not. I called again a couple of days ago.. they ran more tests, had us check physical connections etc.. nothing helped. While we were waiting on the testing they were explaining the Contour and home phone bundling they were wanting us to "upgrade" to. By the end of the call, we had not signed up for the additional stuff and there was still no explanation for the missing TBS station. Now, FOX News and CNN are missing as well. Part of me feels like they went "missing" because we didn't sign up for their additional services. But I'm sure that's ridiculous. Has anyone else had this issue? Cox - if you're reading this - is there really no way we can get our channels back? I was told the channels would "definitely return" if we got the new contour box. But I really don't want to feel like I'm paying a ransom.3.1KViews0likes3CommentsFYI channel
I am at a total loss about this channel. It used to be the Biography Channel. The name changed to FYI, andCOX decided to package it in a Sports and Information Package. FYI in this case meant "For Your Inspiration"....look at the's not informational, it's entertainment. No idea why it's in the S&I package. Anyway, in September, I had suddenly had access to FYI...until the end of October, when I had to unplug my cable box to have new carpeting installed. When I plugged the box back in, FYI was no longer accessible. What gives? I haven't changed my service in several years. The History Channel, HGTV, and DIY are not on the S&I package, and FYI doesn't belong there either.8.5KViews0likes7Comments