ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: RIP new replacement for dslreports? Re: Keep email address when cancelling internet service I am using an email client, it was horrible to setup, but, no ads! Re: Internet FYI, if you work from home, you shouldn't be on WiFi, you should be on ethernet. It's the fastest, most reliable communications method. That being said, what modem/router are you using? If using a pano modem, I refer you to - Cox's New PW7, 4331 vs Arris DG2460 | Cox Community Re: Admin Login to new gateway the SSID is the wifi name being broadcast for connectivity on WiFi. The wpa key, or passphrase is the wireless password. it IS case sensitive. Re: Wifi read, or comprehend? The probably can read, but understanding is another issue. lol Re: Wifi So, since WMO's post wasn't direct enough for you here goes - Except Cox management won't be reading these forums. Read what the forums are for. It's for Cox Customers to help one another with technical issues. If you want to kvetch to Cox management, you are in the wrong place. "The purpose of the CoxInternet Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential CoxHigh Speed Internet services with other customers. If you need help with billing or other account specific issues, please reach us on Twitter at@CoxHelp, visit us onFacebook, or" Re: ONT Red Alarm Light On and No Internet The red light means the ONT is in alarm and is not getting a fiber signal. Like WMO said, you will have toi have a cox tech come out. Re: Click to cancel they don't know. Actions like this are taken up by the people who own Cox. It's not a publicly traded company and when i worked for Cox, this kind of thing was never discussed with us. Re: Something is up with Cox's notifications Cox's data monitoring system is checked and verified by a third party, and is 99.9% accurate. I have run tests using my RAXE300 router, and found all data monitoring to be spot on as well. MOST routers are capable of monitoring data usage, if you have your own router, see if it can monitor your data usage. That being said, there are many things that can use data, security cameras, streaming media, gaming, apps on phones, as well as an issue with amazon echo and their programs. They can go into a loop of sending everything it hears to amazon and trying to figure out if you are talking to it or not. Had someone a few years ago, turn off their amazon devices, and dropped over 700gb of data usage a month. ALSO, Amazon devices can SHARE your connection with neighbors amazon devices. They call it low level data sharing, but unless you can actually measure it, who knows. Re: Something is up with Cox's notifications Make sure you don't have ONEDRIVE backing everything up DAILY. That can use a LOT of data, and I have found several people who found it on their phone as well, backing it up daily.