Forum Discussion

dale1021's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Why cover over the bottom of slow motion football replays with Script, etc.

Practically all close plays end up being viewed on ground level and Cox slow motion shades it over so you can't see. ugh I don't think it used to be that way.  I remember it disappearing after a few seconds.

  • EricaW's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Dale1021,

    That's no fun. Please describe the level of DVR service you use...Contour or original version of our Digital cable. We'd like to report your concern to our Programming teams in hopes of a future update.

    Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • One possible item is that your TV screen Display size is a little larger than the TV's Window.  Use the TV specific remote control and look for Wide Angle or a toggle that changes the actual screen size.  Maybe you are viewing a low resolution channel with HD TV or the opposite.  Cox has started to broadcast even the lowered numbered channels in HD, as high as 1920 but if TV is not HD capable like an analog, you could get a compromised display.  I get this happening on PC Viewing alot.

  • Raskie's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Hey Dale, I think  there is an easy solution to your problem.  As soon as you put the playback into slow-motion, press the “Exit” button on the remote.  It should stay in slow-motion, but the shading and progress bar at the bottom of the screen should disappear.  At least that’s what happens with my contour box.  Hope this helps.

    • ekhawaii's avatar

      I concur with Raskie, the Exit button will close the overlap display.  I've used it on the fast fwd/back.  Sorry I got carried away about the Screen Display answers I preciously posted, but hey, I did have some problems with some old SP movies not fitting the screen.