Forum Discussion

Jan_Vanlandingh's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

We are currently not with Cox TV, though we were for years. We do still use Cox internet service and would love to have the convivence of Alexa for locating channels. Will switch back when AOL and NEWSMAX are added to Cox Service!

This is more of a suggestion or request, if you will, for Cox Service.  We are currently not with Cox TV, though we were for years!  We do still use Cox internet service and would love to have the convenience of using Alexa for locating channels.  The only reason for our not having Cox TV  is that the news lineup does not include AOL ad NEWSMAX news service.  Cox might gain more Conservative viewers is these news channels were added to the lineup.  I know we would switch back to Cox TV service immediately once these stations were added.  Thank you for your attention to our suggestion/request.  

J Vanlandingham

    • bearone2's avatar
      Contributor III

      aol was an early internet service provider that most folks laughed at, back in the dial-up days but still around.

      it still exists, i have one friend who still uses it.

  • Geri_Ann's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Cox added Newsmax awhile back.  As far as AOL, are you perhaps referring to OANN?  A lot of us have been begging for that to be added, so far no luck.