Understanding My Bill - "Expanded Service"
I'm a customer in Fairfax County, VA, where my bill shows an $82.49 itemization for Cox TV Starter, Expanded Service, and Advanced TV Service. Trying to find a definition of these categories online, I'm really stumped at "Expanded Service." Searching that term, I get 172 results with such off-topic documents as “James M. Cox Foundation Announces $250,000 Grant.”
Assuming it is a range of channels above the basic Cox TV Starter range, I turned to the channel listings web page (for my area) as well as the downloadable PDF of the channel listings, and neither identify any range of channels as "Expanded Service" -- these resources do have columns whose headers are TV Starter, then two levels of Contour (Contour and Contour Ultimate) or in the PDF version, Contour and Contour Flex.
Does the "Contour" listing equate with the "Expanded Service" line item on my bill? If not, where can I find a listing of channels under "Expanded Service?"
Thank you.