Hi Yollieaz, I want to apologize for not providing the support you needed when you called us for help. Yes, it's possible that your cable boxes are end of life and need to be replaced. However, this is a separate issue from the audio issue you were calling about. We should have helped you solve the audio problem before moving onto any other topic. Curt's suggestion about checking the SAP setting for the channels missing audio is a good one. Were you able to get the audio working for those specific channels? If we schedule a service call and the problem is diagnosed as the Cox equipment (the cable boxes, for example) or the Cox signal to the cable boxes, you will not be charged for the service call. Please let us know here if you were able to get the audio issue resolved. You can also email Cox.Help@cox.com for further assistance with the audio issue or any other Cox product or service issues or questions. We're happy to help!