Forum Discussion

Kevin_S_'s avatar
New Contributor III
5 years ago

TV channel issue.

Is anyone having issues with channel 55 and 1055 ? There is a thing black line that periodically shows up and sometimes the channel pixels. It's ONLY on this channel, every other channel is fine . I'm in RI.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I don't see the thing, black line..

    • Kevin_S_'s avatar
      New Contributor III

      I don't know where your from but it's there. It's a thin black horizontal line that flashes periodically. Keep watching it. I even called a friend to confirm it wasn't just us and she saw it too.  She has cox as well .

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        I'm not questioning the line.  I don't see it in Northern Virginia.  I looked up a zip for RI, tuned to NBC Sports and watched rugby for 30 minutes.  No line.  I'm guessing it's originating from your affiliate of NBC Sports in Boston.  Contact 'em.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III
    thing black line

    What I'm attempting to explain is NBC Sports doesn't have a single nationwide broadcast.

    NBC Sports Boston is 1 of 10 NBC Sports Regional Networks.

    Meaning, what you see on NBC Sports in RI would be different than what other subscribers would see on NBC Sports in Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, California, etc.  Our programming would be different as would any digital-video anomalies.

    - Your NBCSBH is NBC Sports Boston HD
    - NBCSP and NBCSP+ are just brand-names of NBC Sports Regional Networks
    - My NBC Sports Washington is actually NBCSWH and NSWPHD
    - However, NBCSWH and NSWPHD identify with the generic brand-names of the NBC Sports Regional Networks (NBCSP and NBCSP+)

    You asked on a nationwide forum about channel 55.  However, what's on your channel 55 is different from our channel 55 due to different Cox markets.

    Your channel 55 is NBC Sports.  However, what's on your NBC Sports is different from our NBC Sports due to different NBC Sports Regional Networks.

    The "thing" black line isn't a nationwide issue.  It's a regional issue.  Complain to your regional affiliate of NBC Sports.

    • Kevin_S_'s avatar
      New Contributor III

      As I mentioned to you yesterday, I will contact them. Why are you putting "thing " as a headliner and in quotes in the conversation? I corrected myself to meaning thin black line . If your on this platform trying to help assist then maybe lose the condescending remarks .