Forum Discussion

Mshahn94's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Time Zone not Correct and Reset not working

At a current time of 7 pm pacific time, the guide on tv has the show that should have been on at 5 pm pacific time. The time on the guide is correct time , but the guide and the shows playing are off by 2 hours. When I log on the website and look at the true guide, the true TV guide has the correct shows listed. But, my tv won’t play the shows for 2 more hours. Tried resetting. Tried unplugging. Even tried calling. No one seems to believe me. I have several screen shots of the situation. After unplugging for 48 hours, it resolved itself. BUT ONLY FOR 2 WEEKS. Now, it is back to off time zones. How do I fix this once and for all. Or is leaving cox the answer.

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