The new Contour 2 box has no TIME or Channel display? Just a green POWER strip light?
My old box is retired and they made me change my box today July 31 2020 but it has no time or channel display. It shows the time and even temperature as you change channels on the tv screen but I am so used to seeing the clock on the cable box I want the display! So the new boxes dont tell time or channel, only on the TV screen? REALLY? Do I need to go to COX SOLUTIONS and ask them for another box because I want the time and channel display on the Cable TV box? I spent an hour in Cox live chat and she sent me this after looking for a while Well like I said there is no front display on my contour 2 cable box and she confirmed that was the style the guy at COX solutions gave me.. There is a way to dim the green power line but no option to dim clock lights because there is no clock or channel settings. The front is one thick black plastic, no clear plastic for any display. Can I get a cable tv box with a clock and channel display anymore?