Hey DHK, I posted this today after getting some forum tips and I fixed my problem. Hope it helps. Awesome game! (Much better now that I get it in English)...
"Had the same problem, but watching Live. Annoying as [expletive removed] to say the least. So for mine, I went through the whole TV setup check, but it was the Cox box. (If you have the generic Cox box remote) Press the Cox Menu button => Settings => Language Options => Audio Language, and make sure Primary is selected and not SAP, which is an Alternate/Secondary Audio Programming track. I think that is the default, if you reboot your box. Anyway, I hope this helps, but again, I'm watching live, so you may need to check all your devices. Once recorded, you're kinda stuck with it I suppose. As far as the re-boot default theory, I may do some experimenting later and update this post, but NOT during the Vikings/Packers game now that I can actually hear it in English. (I'm a Primary Vikings fan, and Secondary Packers fan, so now being relocated East Coast employed, I don't get to watch a whole lot of either, and the rare Vikings/Packers matchup is a Must View for me). Cheers everyone!"