Forum Discussion

Ineluki's avatar
New Contributor
8 months ago

Recordings Failing because Description changes last minute

Last night around 1 AM or so, I set up my DVR to record the Olympics this morning on my Contour 1 DVR 6-tuner DVR.  When I turned on my TV after 10 AM this morning, I saw that while the DVR was chugging away and recording shows on NBC, USA, and E!, it had missed a recording I'd had scheduled on E! from 7 AM to 10 AM.

Specifically, the "recording failed because the program was not found in the guide."  I also noticed a couple of other scheduled blocks were no longer scheduled because the descriptions of the shows had changed.  I recall that this happened quite frequently during the last Olympics and it frustrated me to no end because I had to keep checking my guide to make sure the show descriptions weren't being changed at the last minute, thus clearing my scheduled recording.

I feel you shouldn't change your description within a day of airing, and at least 12 hours at a minimum.  This is beyond frustrating.  I would rather the description be wrong, but the content be recorded than to not have the content at all.  Heck, you can name the block "2024 Paris Olympic stuff" for all I care.

Can Cox PLEASE stop altering the descriptions of the shows for Olympic content on such short notice?  Some of us sleep and have meetings and children and we can't live on our DVR 24/7.

  • Ineluki's avatar
    New Contributor

    Just an update, but the 10-11 AM slot on E! failed as well.  It was originally described as Men's and Women's Fencing late last night, but changed to Tennis this morning,  I noticed the description change when I was writing the last post, but the guide showed the red recording dot so I thought all was well.  However, after the hour finished the recording showed as missed and is not present in my DVR recordings.

    How do I know the descriptions change?  Because I have a spreadsheet that I keep updated of all the scheduled recordings that I update the day before everything airs.

    I actually had to reset some upcoming recordings because I could tell their descriptions (and even segment lengths) had changed as well.  By changing the segment length and show description so late, it's really inconveniencing everybody who set their DVR up to record the shows in advance.

    Currently I have to keep checking the upcoming recordings in the guide a few times a day, but it's almost impossible to prevent a missed recording when you have to sleep at some point.

    I have no idea who is in charge of adjusting the descriptions and segments for the Olympics, but I would appreciate if this feedback could find its way to them.

  • CurtB's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    Set Manual Recording

    Cox TV (Contour 1) can record a program with a manual recording that doesn't use description.  Set your DVR to record the channel on which the Olympics is being broadcast for the desired time.  Whatever is broadcast on that channel during the selected time period will be recorded.

    The easiest way to set a manual recording is to: Select the desired channel and program from the Guide (this will set default values for the channel and times) > press the Record button > select Set Manual Recording and press Select > adjust Start Time and End Time as necessary > press the B button to set the recording.

    The scheduled manual recording will be displayed as Untitled in Scheduled Recordings.