Multiple Problems with DVR Recordings
I have several ongoing problems with DVR Recordings. These problems have been going since I started my service in January. These problems include.:
- recording stops/freezes and eventually either exits to live programming or to a black screen.
- audio stops completely
- audio cuts in and out
- recording exits and no selections can be made from the remote. Only solution is to unplug the receiver.
I have to unplug the receiver at least once a day. This is happening for almost all recordings. Many of my recordings continue to kick me out and are unviewable and I try to watch on demand. Sometimes even the same thing happens with on demand recordings. Everytime the on demand recording kicks me out I have to start over again (it won't go back to where it left off). Lsat week, I watched the first 10 minutes of Bull 4 times before I gave up.
I have had 3 separate technicians come out and they have replaced my receiver 3 times (and all of my wiring). If this doesn't get fixed soon I am going to ditch Cox TV and go to Hulu. I have been paying for DVR service that is not working. I call about once a week and get no help from Tech support. I am at my wits end. Is there anyone who can help?