Forum Discussion

tfulks2's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Can’t record Circle all access Chanel 144

I can set recordings for all other Chanel’s except Circle All Access. I get the prompt to record. It allows me to set it up. But the red dots never show up on the guide and it never records. Weird. 

  • Hi Tfulks2, I apologize for the frustration this has caused. Are you getting any error messages when trying to record channel 144? When you view your Saved/Recordings list, does anything you have tried to record on channel 144 displayed? Please set up a recording for a show playing on 144 later today. When you view your Saved/Scheduled list, does the show on channel 144 display in the upcoming list of shows to be recorded? I apologize for all the questions. I'm just trying to get a better picture of what's happening. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator