Forum Discussion

DRVEGAS's avatar
Valued Contributor
2 years ago

Voicemail email notifications not working

When I click on enable I get the error saying that I have disabled it.  Does anyone have any idea how to make it work?  Can anyone get the email notifications to work?

14 Replies

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  • CurtB's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    I don't think voice mail email notification works.  I tried to activate it and received the following:

    "Voice Mail Notifications request cannot be completed.  Please try again."

    • DRVEGAS's avatar
      Valued Contributor

       I am getting the same error here.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    Sounds like you are having a few problems with your phone system. Have you called Cox and had their Telephone Test Desk have a look?

    • DRVEGAS's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Yes I have but they have no idea how to fix this issue.

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Did you just talk to Tier1 or did you actually have a ticket opened with Test Desk(TD)? It's been a while since I have worked at Cox so not sure if they have a TD still but it is worth a try.