Forum Discussion

MangoMan's avatar
New Contributor II
11 months ago

Yahoo Email Transition - iPhone Setup

Has anyone seen anything from Cox indicating that they know there is an issue with setting up iPhone default Mail app to work with the new Yahoo mail server we have moved to?

Finally got all of my email accounts on Outlook set up and working. Not a straightforward process in the least and now instead of a Spam/Junk mail folder we get something called a "Bulk" mail folder. Looking forward to the day when AI can learn from my Deletions and automatically take care of Spam email for me. ;-) 


  • Apple default Mail app is considered a Third Party App by Yahoo mail. You will need to generate a Third Party App Password for each of your Cox email accounts to be able to use the Apple default Mail app with your Yahoo-transitioned Cox email accounts.

    Log into Yahoo mail using your PC or Mac. You will need your full cox email address (e.g., and the new email password you created when you completed your Cox to Yahoo transistion. Yahoo may ask you to go through some steps to verify your Recovery Options - complete it now or later. Once in the Yahoo mail click the icon at the top right (your name or initials) and select "Overview". Now from the menu at the top select "Security". 

    Look on the right for "Other ways to sign in" and you will see "App Password - If you don’t normally use a password to sign in to your Yahoo account, here’s where you can generate a password for 3rd-party apps that require passwords." Click on "Generate an app password" and provide a name for the app (e.g., Mac Mail or Iphone Mail). Yahoo will provide a new password for the Apple Mail app - make a copy of it (don't include the spaces). DON'T LOSE THIS OR YOU WILL HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN. 

    On the iPhone go to Settings>Mail>Accounts and select the account you are working on.  Go to Account Settings now. Verify the settings are correct first

    Name - Your name
    Email - [youraccountname] (for example
    Description - what ever you want displayed

    Incoming Mail Server
    Host Name -
    User Name - [youraccountname] (for example
    Password - ** see note below

    Outgoing Mail Server
    Host Name -
    User Name - [youraccountname] (for example
    Password - ** see note below
    Use SSL - On
    Authentication - Password
    Server Port - 465

    **Type in some letters (fake password) into the Password field and press return on the screen keyboard. You should get an error message back. Now carefully type in the new password generated by Yahoo and press return on the screen keyboard. You should get checkmarks indicating success. You need to do this for both the Incoming and Outgoing Server settings.


  • jorge_ramirez72's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Hello !! 

    can you describe how you finally made the “yahoo’ed cox accounts” in Outlook app for iOS, ipadOS and or MacOS, ?? 

    I refuse to switch to the native mail app or even worse, have to use Yahoo email with the annoying ads.  
    plus I pay for a subscription for Microsoft 365, so naturally I want to use Outlook 365.  

    any advice ?? 

    my outlook doesn’t have a security chance for “SSL/TSL”.   Just SSL.   

    • bigalo78's avatar
      New Contributor

      I did not use the Outlook ap, I downloaded the Yahoo mail ap and was able to use that for my account.

      • OldBob2's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Reluctantly I too downloaded the Yahoo app on my iPhone...lots of permissions that put me off but I did it.  It is instantly faster than the iPhone MAIL app but the drawback for me is there is no way I can find yet to show ALL boxes for ALL (or selected) accounts in one click. Like a Unified folder in Thunderbird(which it too needs a bit of tweeking and is slow to match the IMAP actions).   The iPhone MAIL app takes several MINUTES to bring in a email that the Yahoo app shows instantly. 

  • jorge_ramirez72's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Anybody on this forum please HELP !!! I Follow all the steps described to configure my 5 cox email addresses in Outook app (outlook 365) and they don’t work.    Also I don’t have an option to use “SSL/TSL” security, just SSL.   



    • DorisM's avatar

      Hi, there. I am really sorry you are having issues with the email migration.  Please email my team with your request at so we can obtain account details and review further.

      Thank you.

  • OldBob2's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I was able to do it and it was VERY easy..According to Cox you should..

    1. Delete the old Cox account under Settings -> Mail
    2. Add a new account
    3. Select Yahoo!
    4. It will ask you to sign in - use your old Cox email address as your username:  and then click next.
    5. It will then ask for your password - use the new password you created when you transitioned to Yahoo and then click next  (it did not ask for any App Password even though I did have one set up)
    6. On the next screen, make sure at least "email" is on and then click "save"
    7. Your account will show as Yahoo in the settings>Mail>Accounts.  You can select this Yahoo account and change the name to what you want,,like Jdoe@ Cox Yahoo
    8. As a clean up, I also deleted all the Cox smtp servers. 
  • OldBob2's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I set up an app password for the iPhone on Yahoo from my PC.  I also named it and they gave me a long one below which I noted/copied.  Went to my iPhone 7 and in the settings for Mail for this Cox account I entered the new App Password I created in both imap and smtp.  Not work..I tried the long one the App generated one gave me in go either.   If I go to the email on the phone, it does not connect to all the on line Yahoo emails.  On line at Yahoo I can see/receive/send . So, I even tried to set up a new account on iPhone7 as a Yahoo account and that Does connect to all my on line yahoo cox emails but it will not send/reply--says my outgoing server is not go..tried both passwords here..smtp for yahoo email and the app password (both my name and that long one.  None works ! I am so frustrated!  I have 6 cox emails so if I can get one to work I think I can duplicate.. Any suggestions?

  • MangoMan's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Apple default Mail app is considered a Third Party App by Yahoo mail. You will need to generate a Third Party App Password for each of your Cox email accounts to be able to use the Apple default Mail app with your Yahoo-transitioned Cox email accounts.

    Log into Yahoo mail using your PC or Mac. You will need your full cox email address (e.g., and the new email password you created when you completed your Cox to Yahoo transistion. Yahoo may ask you to go through some steps to verify your Recovery Options - complete it now or later. Once in the Yahoo mail click the icon at the top right (your name or initials) and select "Overview". Now from the menu at the top select "Security". 

    Look on the right for "Other ways to sign in" and you will see "App Password - If you don’t normally use a password to sign in to your Yahoo account, here’s where you can generate a password for 3rd-party apps that require passwords." Click on "Generate an app password" and provide a name for the app (e.g., Mac Mail or Iphone Mail). Yahoo will provide a new password for the Apple Mail app - make a copy of it (don't include the spaces). DON'T LOSE THIS OR YOU WILL HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN. 

    On the iPhone go to Settings>Mail>Accounts and select the account you are working on.  Go to Account Settings now. Verify the settings are correct first

    Name - Your name
    Email - [youraccountname] (for example
    Description - what ever you want displayed

    Incoming Mail Server
    Host Name -
    User Name - [youraccountname] (for example
    Password - ** see note below

    Outgoing Mail Server
    Host Name -
    User Name - [youraccountname] (for example
    Password - ** see note below
    Use SSL - On
    Authentication - Password
    Server Port - 465

    **Type in some letters (fake password) into the Password field and press return on the screen keyboard. You should get an error message back. Now carefully type in the new password generated by Yahoo and press return on the screen keyboard. You should get checkmarks indicating success. You need to do this for both the Incoming and Outgoing Server settings.


    • bigalo78's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for the info...still unable to receive or send emails from my account on my iphone. Seems to work ok on my laptop.  Any suggestions?

      • JulianN's avatar

        Hello, we would be happy to assist with any questions or concerns you might have. Please email us your “full” name, “complete” address, and a copy of your post to for further assistance. Thank you!

  • John2222's avatar
    Contributor II

    Can you give us an idea of what is the issue with iPhone Mail app and the Cox transition?  I was under the impression that after the "transition" I would just have to change my POP3 or IMAP settings on my iPhone to the new Yahoo server names, etc.
    Call me "naïve"!

    • MangoMan's avatar
      New Contributor II

      See also the comments from SMWillow further on at this thread

    • MangoMan's avatar
      New Contributor II

      After changing the settings on my iPhone for the new and, entering the new password it doesn't work. You don't get emails and can't send emails using the default Apple Mail app.

      Others having the same issue. I believe Cox knows about this issue but has not told customers anything yet.