Forum Discussion

twiggie60's avatar
New Contributor
4 hours ago

Yahoo Email is a joke!

When attempting to read and/or send emails, the "Page Unresponsive" dialog box comes up again and again and again.; it is more than frustrating  I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but in my opinion it is being done by Yahoo to coerce the people who transitioned from Cox to subscribe to their Premium service for $1.99 a month.  Cox needs to ensure that Yahoo fixes this or pays Yahoo more to provide email service to its previous email customers.  I am paying the same to Cox as I did before they stopped supporting email and stopped providing McAfee Security Suite--less service but no less on my monthly bill!  This needs to be resolved!  I am not getting this "Page Unresponsive" dialog box on any other websites so I know it is not my PC being slow. 

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    If you don't like Yahoo, switch to a different email provider. There are many free email providers. Gmail, Proton, Icloud Mail, MS Outlook, etc. Cox can't/won't fix any issue with Yahoo email. Any issues you have should be directed at Yahoo. Cox is now out of the email business. The cost of service for them wasn't worth the value to the general customer because few people still use their ISP's email. Same reason why personal webspace isn't offered anymore. Once Facebook came around, most stopped using it. As for Mcafee, Cox did you a favor. Mcafee is a horrible AV. You don't even need AV anymore since Windows 10 and Defender.