Forum Discussion

lbrodahl's avatar
New Contributor II
7 years ago

Who hacked what?

I too received the "We've detected MALWARE" on your email account.

BUT - they do give the correct last 4 digits of my account number.  And a valid email for Cox.    Also the correct first name for the owner of the account!!!!   Stuff that ONLY COX should know.

So, answer me this ***********COX****************.   How do they know the account number, account owner name, etc.?

  • lbrodahl's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Ok... the answer is COX is either currently getting hacked, or has just discovered they've been hacked and the CUSTOMER SUPPORT LINE IS SWAMPED!!!!!    Of course, they tell you to change you password on the IVR, but the gutless cowards give no other info.

    • Becky's avatar
      The Cox Network Security team actively monitors user accounts for suspicious activity that may indicate a User ID and password have been compromised. To confirm such an email is valid, go to, log in through the My Account drop down box, select the drop down again, and then click "Email Notification History" on the left side of the page. If you receive such an email, please reset your password to something brand new; something you have never used as a Cox password. The following Cox password requirements apply:
      • Must be between 8 and 24 characters long
      • Must include both letters and numbers
      • Must not include any form of the word password
      • Must not include customer's user ID
      • May include special characters: !@#$%^*()
      • Is case sensitive, so SaMpLe24 is different than sample24
      After resetting your password, log out of your account and then log back in with the new password on all devices. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
      • Mick536's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Hi Becky -- Who do I ask what the suspicious activity was? My personal suspicion is that there is NO ONE who can say.  Where is the press release that says Cox email systems discovered to be under attack?  If they are, the bad guys already know it.

  • yak's avatar
    Contributor III

    I had to read the email several times to make sure it wasn't a scam.  But why would there be the threat that my account would be locked if I didn't change the password in 24 hours?  That is the wording that scammers use to scare us into clicking on their links.  

  • mmccrack's avatar
    New Contributor

    My account was hacked on 1/14.  Apparently Cox Security monitoring is useless.  The hacker changed my password and set up forwarding of my email.  Cox was happy to remove the forwarding and reset, but cannot assist in getting my emails back and said NOTHING of tracking the email to which my emails were forwarded.

  • I received this similar notification before and it turned out one of my computers was hacked and was used to make unauthorized purchase in my Target account after the hacker had gathered information for a while. I didn't pay attention to Cox alert and experienced a lot of trouble trying to work with Target to get the mess sorted out.

    I would suggest you do a fresh install of OS on your computer and change your remote control application's password, like that for the teamviewer account. And also change your gmail and retailers' account password. Use two step verification wherever possible and don't exempt your usual computer from the two step verification.

    Cox's hack alert is real!