Forum Discussion

CardiffGiant-11's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Which package am I on?


So i have had a SB6141 for several years and was usually getting about 115 down/8-10 upload on the preferred plan. i saw that i should be getting 150. I know the sb6141 is only 8x4 so i decided to get a newer faster modem to see if that helped (sb8200). got it activated yesterday and the speeds are identical albeit upload speed is more consistently over 10.

my question, am i actually on the 150 plan or the legacy 100 plan? if so is my upload speed still going to be 10 and with proper signal levels shouldn’t i be seeing 150 ish when hard wired? if for whatever reason my plan is still provisioned only for 100 if a change is made to get me the 150 will my download speed be cut to 5? given the remote working i don’t want to upload to be any slower than it already is. i am in CT if that matters.


  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    login to cox/residentional & you'll see what plan you're on & check offers.