Forum Discussion

aim1limma's avatar
New Contributor II
5 years ago

Upload very slow and some packet loss

Today all of a sudden the upload speed of my connection has gone from about 33mbps to 5mbps (I'm on gigablast) tested on google, cox's speedtester and

There is also now about 5% packet loss.

Download speed seems to be fine.

  • Smorgydorg's avatar
    New Contributor II

    We have spent several THOUSAND dollars on Cox Internet (well over 10,000 since 2009) and I've never felt so betrayed by a large company. Blaming Covid 19 and people staying at home for this issue (like most techs I spoke with have) is not even close to accurate. If people staying at home was affecting our bandwidth then it would affect our DOWNLOAD speed as well, which it has not.

    My current upload speed has once again started tanking. It's between 10 and 25 max this whole week, so streaming games to Twitch is impossible. Streaming to twitch on anything under 35 upstream is probably going to give your viewers a very bad time. Even just playing MP games is not possible with such low speed. 

    I went through this nightmare most of November and half of December (1 to 4 upstream!!!) and spent many exhausting hours talking or chatting with support. Oh, how the phone app loves to disconnect the chat in the most crucial moments!  Finally, I let Cox talk me into trying their panoramic "gaming" modem (terrible router interface BTW), being told it was my own VERY HIGHLY RATED Motorola modem failing or causing the issue, which absolutely SMOKES their Panoramic. Zero change, as I had expected.

    A few nights later a really nice Cox tech guy late at night told me to demand that a senior tech come out. So I scheduled one the next day. EXACTLY 30 minutes before the senior tech arrived (I had been testing all morning) my upload speed magically went back to normal. So after he arrived, I switched back to the Motorola and the upload speed was excellent. There was nothing wrong with it, after all, as if I was surprised!  So I boxed up the Panoramic for good.

    So insist on a SENIOR tech and you might just notice your internet magically fixing itself just before the tech arrives. 

    To put more salt in our wounds customer service offered a full refund for the entire time we'd had the issues, but as soon as she was going to issue the credit the chat disconnected. Like it did many times before.

    • Makaylatj's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Man I feel your pain so much! I am dealing with the same thing at the moment. My boyfriend is a streamer on twitch that just make affiliate back in November. But hasn't be able to since because our uploads stay in the 0.50 to maybe 1mbps since... I will say we pay for the 10mbps uploads and he was streaming just fine at those speeds just at 720p. I will try to ask for a senior tech and reply to this with my results. 

    • MichaelJ's avatar
      Smorgydorg, I am happy to hear that the issue was resolved before the tech even arrived. I hope you continue to have good upload speeds.

      Thank you,

      Mike J.
      Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • aim1limma's avatar
      New Contributor II

      This happened to me, about 30 minutes before the tech arrived, the problem was fixed. But now the problem is back, and I'm booking a tech again...

      • MichaelJ's avatar
        Aim1limma, sounds like an intermittent but persistent issue. I suggest keeping the appointment so a tech can check everything out.

        Mike J.
        Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Are you having this issue on a wired or wireless connection and what troubleshooting steps have you performed?

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator
    • aim1limma's avatar
      New Contributor II

      The usual, rebooting and checking cables. The speed test was performed on wired connections.