So tired of Cox communications and there lousy internet service
I can go on and on. It all started last summer of 2024. I work from home with a large Cruise Line and several times a week my internet upload speed drops to 1.45 and guests can not hear me. Every time this happens I contact Cox and get the same run around. It's the modem, it's the coaxle cable, it's the sun, it's the wind, let's change out the tips on the line. After losing 6 hours of pay this week I contacted them again. 2 men show up and do there testing supposedly they found a problem, which they will report, but it could be a small problem or a bigger problem. Then how do you know there's a problem? They will submit the ticket and 72 hours from now a technician will start his research. We'll how long will this be - we don't know. How do you run a company this way? I'm paying them $80.00 a month for what? Plus I'm losing wages. This is wrong! Fed up.