Forum Discussion

lgleeson1's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago

So tired of Cox communications and there lousy internet service

I can go on and on. It all started last summer of 2024. I work from home with a large Cruise Line and several times a week my internet upload speed drops to 1.45 and guests can not hear me. Every time this happens I contact Cox and get the same run around. It's the modem, it's the coaxle cable, it's the sun, it's the wind, let's change out the tips on the line. After losing 6 hours of pay this week I contacted them again. 2 men show up and do there testing supposedly they found a problem, which they will report, but it could be a small problem or a bigger problem. Then how do you know there's a problem? They will submit the ticket and 72 hours from now a technician will start his research. We'll how long will this be - we don't know. How do you run a company this way? I'm paying them $80.00 a month for what? Plus I'm losing wages. This is wrong! Fed up.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor II

    Sounds like there is ingress issue in your area. That is when bad signal is leaking in from somewhere on the copper part of Cox's network, causing a disruption. The leak can be anywhere from a bad connection behind an outlet in your house to squirrels chewing the wiring going to your house, to either of those things happening in someone house in your area, all the way up to the node where the fiber turns to copper/coax. Sometimes they can use a meter and other tools to isolate where the bad signal is coming from and fix the leak, but it takes time, some luck, and a lot of effort, both physical and mental, to do that. The technician who comes to your house usually doesn't have the tools or training to do it. They have to escalate to Maintenace. Did they give you a ticket number? You can use that to follow up with Cox. 

    As for what you pay, you should be able to contact billing once the problem is resolved for some kind of credit on your account. How much you get is a discussion between you and Cox's billing department as this is a forum to discuss technical issues. I do know they won't (nor should they IMO) reimburse for lost wages. Not only does Cox residential not have a service level agreement (SLA) but even most Cox Business accounts with an SLA won't cover that. If internet is mission critical you should look into a cellular or satellite-based backup. I think Cox offered such a service when they did security (Homelife) but not sure now. Either way you would probably be better off with a 3rd party solution since then you wouldn't have a man in middle mark up.

    • lgleeson1's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you. I'm already looking at other companies as we speak. 

      • ChrisJ2's avatar

        Alright, I understand. If you change your mind, send us the physical address and any other pertinent information to with your name and a copy of this forum message. We do want to help. 

  • Hello. I can imagine this has been overwhelming and frustrating and I am sorry that you've had this ongoing experience. Some signal issues do need maintenance technicians to investigate and I'm glad it sounds like that is already in process. We're available to address your account concerns and we can also help navigate this repair too. When you have a moment, can you please email with name, address, and link to forum thread so we can assist? If you need help with billing or other account specific issues, please reach us on Twitter/X at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or at

      • RaquelD's avatar

        I appreciate your information. For your protection, please remove your personal details from this public forum. You can safely email the information to so we can get any additional details needed. Thank you Lori. 

  • Worse service I ever had from any company…why do they want to get in my house so bad? I’ll tell you so they can make an excuse to charge you for something. I have big dogs and nowhere to “lock them up” but why is this MY problem. Cox is the only internet in my area and they abuse the **bleep** out of it. I drove to get a modem once 1.5 hours each way and got home and it was broke.never worked. They told me I had to bring it back…or drop it at a designated carrier when I asked who was the closest they said they had no idea….worthless. I pay 160 a month for garbage. Now they telling me to not use profanity on my cell phone…woke ass **bleep**. I’m pissed and I’m pissed at them because they are just doing what they want. Who can help?

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor II

      How do you mean "want to get in my house"? Like did they contact you out of the blue? Or did it come up during a call or appointment? Did they mention why? If the problem is Cox is detecting ingress or bad signal coming from your house, they either need to get inside to help fix the leak or disconnect the line going to your house. Not only does not allowing Cox in to fix the problem probably cause the modem they gave you not to work, not only can it affect everyone's service in your area, but it risks Cox terminating your service. For all we know, you could be causing OP's problem, although that isn't very likely. 

      As for using profanity, I agree with Cox. You shouldn't use it here either. IMO it's a sign of ignorance and it's against the forum rules. The people you talk to, both on the phone, and here on the forums, are human beings. Have some empathy and compassion. Their job is not easy. Not only do they have to deal with customers like you, but the good ones have to handle all the problems the bad one's cause. Not to mention trying to troubleshoot a technical problem with someone who isn't technical, and you can't even see what they see. It's not easy. If you want help from us forum users, create your own post with data on both the problem and the configuration of the network, and I or someone else will help.

  • Hi James,

    I know this must be frustrating. We only want to help get this fixed. During the tech visit the tech will check outside first. from there they can see if the issues coming from the mainline if so then they can escalate this so our maintenance techs who work on the main lines can get this fixed. When they test from the box outside your home they can also scan the line inside the home to see if there is a bad cable or connection.  I will be glad to take a look to make sure we have done everything we can remotely to get this issue fixed. Please contact us privately with your account info including your name, full street address, and a link to your form post so we can investigate this. Our email address is 
