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OklaAreaCox's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Smart TV Connects to far away Base Station, not nearby Cox Pod

I’ve got an Vizio Smart TV that’s been connected to the wifi network (through a Cox bought pod) for four months, no problem. In the last week, the Smart TV is buffering and going to a complete lack of connection to the pod that’s nearby (also connected to that pod is a MacBook Pro and an Apple TV, both connected for the same length of time as the TV, neither having connection issues).

I checked the Cox app on my phone and when the buffering starts, it’s because the TV is showing connected not to the pod, but to the router in the back of the house. I live in a 1930s house and we have always had wifi challenges and moving the main router ain’t feasible without Cox coming back out to run more line under the house.

Only way I can seem to get it back on the right pod is to to disconnect the Smart TV from the network and sign back in to the wireless. This works for a day or so but it eventually starts connecting to the wireless router again.

Is there a way to keep the Vizio Smart TV connected to this pod that’s been working this entire time? Is there some variable I’m missing?

I called in and Cox tried to help me, they reset my network. Worked for a day and returned to the connecting to the router in back of the house vs. the pod three feet away.

I previously had the same issue with a LG Smart TV, couldn't solve it either.

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    To go along with WMO, a couple of things, ensure you are not turning off a light switch that also turns off an outlet, that MAY be turning the POD off, if so, it could be reconnecting to the NEXT device which is the router. I leave MY tv fixed on 2.4ghz. It's not as fast as 5, but plenty fast enough to handle 4k tv, and has 2x the range of 5ghz. 

    • OklaAreaCox's avatar
      New Contributor

      I appreciate that, I double checked that wasn't the case. The outlet is on at all times, no switches that might shut it off.

      With regards to your "tv fixed on 2.4 ghz" point, how would I check that or enable that setting? I'm assuming it is a manual setting I have to enable on my TV?

      Thank you.

      • Darkatt's avatar
        Honored Contributor

        You have to ensure the 2.4 and the 5.0 ghz each have their own separate SSID, that way you can choose the SSID associated with the 2.4 ghz. 

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor II

    Do you have band steering enabled by any chance?  Also, how strong is the signal at the location of the pod with the pod turned off? Finally, do you have the Pods 1.0 or 2.0?

    • OklaAreaCox's avatar
      New Contributor

      Sorry for the delay, emails were going to 'junk' folder and just saw these.

      I followed your link on Band Steering, and those instructions seem a little dated from the new Cox Wifi App setup in terms of navigating to where I can see if it is enabled.

      As far as I can tell, the signal at the pod location with it turned off is strong, but if there's a way to look that up on my Cox app, I could use some help finding it.

      And finally, I don't know how to look up whether I have Pods 1.0 or 2.0. I looked under my 'Wifi Devices' on the Cox app and it didn't indicate that in plain English. I can see the Serial Number on each in the app but not sure how to correlate that with your quetsion.

      I appreciate your response, I'm sorry I'm not able to give sufficient answers to your troubleshooting questions.

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor II

        Sorry, I have no experience with the app other then I hear the android version is bugged and to use the iOS(Iphone) version. Hopefully someone else who has the pods can help. Good luck!