Forum Discussion

SilverApple42's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Severe Packet Loss (Upload)

Hello, I have been a Cox Customer for 17 years and a few years ago I started having very bad packet loss issues. I have spent hundreds of hours trying to fix this issue but it still happens even years later. I am only receiving packet loss (upload), 0% download packet loss. I am receiving low ping (for the most part) (30-40ms) and high packet loss (10-120%) in games such as Fortnite, Overwatch, Rocket league and more. It is happening on my PC & PS4. Here is a list of stuff I tried to fix the issue -

- Replaced router twice

- Replaced modem

- Plugged directly in through Ethernet, getting perfect speeds (100/10)

- 2 Cox Techs came out and replaced my line but nothing changed. Tested, and said I had 0% packet loss but I am still receiving it?

- Called cox multiple times and no help was provided.

- Done a lot of online research, and tried changing in-game settings to help it but nothing changed. Only thing that slightly helps is if I set my FPS to 30, but I can't play with that considering I use a 144hz monitor.

This is 100% a Cox issue as I used a TMobile hotspot and received 0% packet loss so it can't be anything on my end.

Please help, I don't know what else to do! Thank you!

4 Replies

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  • Realkone's avatar
    New Contributor

    I'm having the same issue as you, called 3 techs nothing has changed. I had one of the techs bring out one of their 2 in 1 (router/modem) to test it out but did nothing. If you don't mind me asking what area do you do live in? I live in Cali.

    • LatitiaS's avatar
      Hi Realkone,

      I regret you are also experiencing packet loss issues. I would like an opportunity to review the previous work order details to see what has been done and what needs to happen to find resolution. Please send us an email to with your name and service address so that we can get the ball rolling.

      Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • Hi SilverApple42,

    I am sorry to learn of your chronic packet loss issues. I'd like to review the modem diagnostics. Please send us a email to with your service address so that we can help. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Cox Support Forums Moderator