Forum Discussion

damjinx54's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago


I would just like to have service that isn’t  down all the time.  I shouldn’t have to call I. To get the credit for that day. Why is your service down 3 to 5  times a month.  
Just make my billing $65.00 a month to make up for all the down time 

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor II

    Are they declared outages or just times you lose service? Do others lose service around you? If not, what model modem/router do you have and does the light(s) change on it?

    As for credit and billing issues, contact Cox via the methods in the sticky.

    • damjinx54's avatar
      New Contributor

      Yes they are declared outrage, yes I lose service. I had our modem/router checked by one of your service people (both are fine) because we aren’t getting the speeds you say we should. 

      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor II

        I don't work for Cox. I am just a user like you. What reason/excuse did the tech give?

  • Hello, damjinx54. I'm sorry you are experiencing trouble with your internet connection. I'd like the opportunity to assist you; however, the public forum isn't suited to protect the personal information I will need to do so.  Please reach out to us on Twitter at, visit us on Facebook at, or email us at In private communication, please include your full name, complete address, and details of the issue as this message will not be connected to the communication unless you include the link to it.