Forum Discussion

Jdinges78's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Security Suite


I have installed / uninstalled / reinstalled Mcafee multiple times, tried updating the info on the "my profile" section in the Security Suite section, and I am still having issues, and for what I pay for the service, I should NOT be dealing with.

1.) My laptop is telling me, AGAIN that my membership is expiring and to renew

2.) in the profile section, where it shows me my account infor for the Suite, I have the 636_ in front of my info, as well as the name of "Cox Customer" NOT my information, and it will NOT let me change any of it because it keeps telling me my password is wrong, which clearly it wasnt because I can get in here and post, as we ll as get to that point...

So.... WTH am I supposed to do, because I REFUSE to uninstall and reinstall ever 30 days or so because something else is screwed up somewhere...

3 Replies

  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    i have used avg free without any issues on several pc's + laptops..

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator
    We actually have a dedicated support line for our McAfee offering which would be able to better assist. They can be reached by calling 888-556-0950.

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    Is this a new computer?  If so, does it still have the free-trail version of McAfee installed?