Forum Discussion

abdaniel's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

packet loss over 2 months time

I have been expericing random packet loss over the past 2 months, have had a cox tech come out twice and blame my modem, i have sinced changed modem and routers 3 times, its very frustaing not being able to stay conncted to the internet for more than 5 mintues, using ping plotter over the past month i am @ 8% packet loss which should be un acceptable for high tier internet, im going to post my modem event log and channels to see if theres anything i can do on my end. any information would be helpful



down stream ofm

event log

3 Replies

  • BenS1's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi @Abdaniel
    I know how frustrating it is to have packet loss. I have run a ping test on your modem and I get 0% packet loss. I have checked your network and there are no outstanding issues in your area. Are there any splitters or amplifiers that are connected to the coaxial that is screwed into the back of your modem? If so can you please bypass any splitters/amplifiers and plug it directly into the wall from the modem?
    Ben S.
    Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • abdaniel's avatar
      New Contributor

      i can try plugging the modem directily into the wall, there are no splitters that im aware of could there be some in the cable box itsefl?

      • abdaniel's avatar
        New Contributor

        *its already plugged directly into the wall