Forum Discussion

mailstorc's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Not receiving certain email

Unable to receive email from select non-Cox email addresses.  However, am able to receive the very same messages using my gmail email address.  Was able to subsequently forward those same messages (i.e. the ones sent to my gmail address) to my cox emali address with no problem.  Because of this, I am able to see the address of the originator of the messages in question.  One such example is:


  • I am using Microsoft Outlook as my email software.
  • Checked all other non-Inbox folders to see if messages are being stored there instead (including SPAM/Junk email folder).  No sign of any such messages. 

I am really concerned as to how many other such messages sent to my cox email I am not receiving, nor being notified.

If it would help, there is another site that I am trying to get info from in the same fashion as the message listed above.  If it would help, I could have them attempt to re-send their message if someone would like to 'sniff' the message traffic.   Please advise. 

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    "Was able to subsequently forward those same messages (i.e. the ones sent to my gmail address) to my cox emali address with no problem."

    Because the email wasn't from from your Gmail account.

    It appears Cox...through its obviously blocking the email.  Could you configure Gmail to auto-forward these emails to your Cox account?

    • mailstorc's avatar
      New Contributor

      My biggest concern is that, with changing email addresses, I don't know who 'out there' may still have my cox address for accessing me?  Sure, I can make a best-effort case in trying to change every such reference in cyberspace, but no doubt, there will be those that are missed.  

      It would be those few that I need to also ensure are able to send to my cox account.

      Anything less would simply be masking over the problem.

      • bearone2's avatar
        Contributor III

        outlook is very protective, check webmail/spam folder for missing emails.

        fwiw: i had 2 emails in spam from known good senders when i just checked.

        gmail isn't as protective of what comes goes.

        pics i take on phone don't/won't send when using gmail but cox has no issues!