Forum Discussion

gggorden's avatar
New Contributor
2 months ago

Need the correct skill set from Cox

Can someone provide me with insights on how to get the correct type of technician to arrive? I have now had four technicians come to my house to scope the work,  ( either End to End or Western) and each time I have been informed this job needs to be done by an internal Cox person they as contractors are not authorized to do this type of project. They appear to type info into a device, ( I walk around and show them the work that needs to be done they concur ) then, the technician schedules the appointment, it shows up on my cox account and I get an email confirming the appt.  What has occurred is each time either an end-to-end or Western technician arrives looks at the work and tells me they can not do the work.  After the second iteration,  I talked with the Customer Service supervisor to confirm and they informed me all the information is in the system and a Cox internal worker will show up. Each time it is a contractor who shows up and then we repeat.  I have been at this now for three weeks... can someone inform me how I get the appropriate technicians out to do this work?   I have used your DM, communicated through my account, and called customer service.  Each time I talk to someone they see the notes,  apologize etc... but what occurs is a technician who is not authorized to do the work shows up. I am stuck in " Ground Hog Day" and looking for assistance on getting the correct technicians out to do the job... 

  • Hello, I am very sorry you’ve not had the best experience with Cox. I understand how important communication and reliable service is. We value your business, and I would be happy to help. Please email us your “full” name, “complete” address, and a copy of your post to for further assistance. Thank you!