Forum Discussion

Morgan1982's avatar
Contributor II
7 years ago

My Insane data usage solved!!!

Just wanted to take a moment and post for other cox subscribers out there that may have an issue with reaching the 1TB data cap. Recently I went over my 1Tb, I had never came close to this amount. For the life of me swore we actually used less internet than the previous months. Well turns out my new Technicolor cgm4140 gateway from cox will pull 300mbps and higher on the 5GHz frequency. This caused my netflix accounts to stream at the highest quality setting because by default it is set to auto quality. This will cause your data usage to go through the roof. I changed my account setting on netflix to medium on main account and low on the other users for that account and for the month of January I have only used HALF of my data. My old gateway would only do between 25mbps to 50mbps so the stream quality was never high and I would see between 300 to 500 Gigs usage. This also applies if you have youtube and other apps that have it set to auto stream your quality. Hopefully this helps with anybody having the high data usage problem I had.

  • toystein's avatar
    New Contributor II

    So think about this...

    You pay a premium for high speed internet.

    Then you get punished for using it.

    Nice business model, Cox.

    • OKC's avatar
      New Contributor

      Been stuck in this usage ** for months.  I will definitely check my settings, thank you.  i have called COX about this issue on several occasions, funny they never mentioned that, or maybe not so funny.  I believe COX is misspelled.  Correct spelling would indicate something used to put the screws to someone!

    • Morgan1982's avatar
      Contributor II

      Well that's capitalism for you😉 The good thing about capitalism is it gives you, the individual, your own choice to do business with them or take your money somewhere else. 

      • J_Kopp's avatar
        New Contributor III

        No, that's not capitalism.

        That is a monopoly where customers have no choice.... HUGE difference. Don't blame it on capitalism.

  • MaryX's avatar
    New Contributor

    What do you do if cox usage meter says you are using 80gb a day? When I unplugged the modem from the wall two days ago? wasn't using any internet the past few days cause I knew I would not be home, and i just did not believe cox when they said I was close to going over my limit of 1024 gb... So I decided to see if their data usage meter was accurate... So with the modem off, unplugged from the wall for two days in a row it now has me at record usage of 80 gb per day? Now I know for sure cox internet is LYING and Inflating customer gb usage...they are trying to inflate customer usage to gouge money from customers...I think cox internet users need to file a class action suit .I do not have Netflix or any streaming services... I did months ago but cancelled it all months ago... SO I NO LONGER STREAM ...  COX COMMUNICATIONS INTERNET ARE LIARS PURE AND SIMPLE... ZERO DOUBT ON THAT... HOW CAN YOU BE USING 80 GB A DAY USING ZERO INTERNET??? MODEM OFF?? UN PLUGGED? IF ANYBODY ELSE HAS THIS ISSUE? LET'S GET A LAWYER AND FILE A CLASS ACTION SUIT.

    • GregP1's avatar
      Hi MaryX, The method we use to record data usage has been verified accurate by an independent source. The link to this article can be found at with additiona factors that can affect data usage. We will be glad to review your account. Please email us at with your full street address and please include a link to the conversation.
      -Greg P
      Cox Forums Moderator
      • J_Kopp's avatar
        New Contributor III

        The method we use to record data usage has been verified accurate by an independent source. 

        Hogwash. Cox hired that company. Nice try, but no cigar. That's like hiring an attorney and then letting him decide if you're guilty or innocent.

        You guys continue to insult the intelligence of your customers time after time. I would be so ashamed I would resign immediately.

    • Morgan1982's avatar
      Contributor II
      • It states data usage is not real time and could be delayed up to 24 hours so im not sure how long you would have to unplug to do a correct evaluation. After changing my setting on my streaming services ive watched my usage get cut in half, i even downloaded 2 new games at 195 gb combined and still have only used 590gb with 9 days remaining on the cycle. Taking out those 2 games that puts me at 395gb for the month so far. Im just letting people know what worked for me and trying to help out, not looking to take anybody to court. Ive had and still have my problems with Cox over packet loss issues but trust me when i went to start service with the other guys they didnt even show up or return my phone call for a week. At least cox have people like Becky, widermouthopen, and many of the moderators/field techs are here and respond to our issues we have. 
  • that's not the only reason, we were not capped before, now cox make you pay $$ if you go over 1024 which was never the case., 

    read what their customer service said :I’m really sorry you’re experiencing this problem. Cox Data Service is never been unlimited but limited 1024 Gb ( 1 terabyte per month) Cox notified all his customers that they were no longer going to do exceptions for those customers going over the Data limit and that any additional block of 50 Gb would be charged $10.00 each. Notifications were sent via email, Account alerts sms, Bill and also on the bill news from cox.

    • J_Kopp's avatar
      New Contributor III

      That is a FLAT OUT LIE. It was always unlimited. Period . End Of. Story.

  • Patproto's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thank you for your advice, I just changed the streaming settings. Never in 8 years have I gone over my usage. The past two months I'm getting warnings, just got my 75% warning with a week to do on my account. Overnight it went to 85%. Something has definitely changed because nothing new is going on in my house. They are so full of it!!! But thanks again for your suggestion!