Forum Discussion

sgabesb's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Internet Connection Unreliable


We have recently been experiencing connectivity issues and have gone through a couple different routers thinking that was the issue. I am seeing a lot of activity from our router log. Some are SYN floods from an Iphone to random addresses. There are DOS attacks from what appears to be an outside address to other outside addresses. Then there seem to be SYN Floods from Cox DNS servers.

Can anyone help point us to what could be the issue?


3 Replies

  • sgabesb,

    Since a couple of the entries in the logs you provided appear to come from inside your own home network, it would be best to ensure all devices on your network are running current active antivirus software; then run scans on each device. Additionally, I'd suggest scanning with an anti-malware software. If you need additional help covers advanced tech support.

  • AzRealtor's avatar
    New Contributor

    We are having similar issues with speed and pages loading.  I wonder if we're in a pool of users.  We pay for Premium and we should get Premium Internet connectivity.  If this continues through this week, I'm making a call to them.  The path shouldn't have so many redirects/bounces before it gets to my connection.  Call them on it.  You have proof.

    I just had to call them about our cable box remaining in BOOT mode for weeks.  Again, we had to return the box today.  That's 3 boxes in just over a year.  I was livid enough that they issued a credit for the entire TV section of the bill.

  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    You couldbe under DDOS. Try changing the WAN MAC address on the router to something different (but unique) and then reboot the modem, let it start up, and reboot the router. The different MAC address should make you get a new public IP, which hopefully won't be one under DDOS. I would also suggest following Colleen's advice to check for malware. I would focus on the computer using private IP as that seems to be the device effected. 

    Also, could you change your OP data to text instead of picture? Would make it alot easier to research since you can't copy/paste data from a picture.