Forum Discussion

DLabit29's avatar
5 years ago

I give up

Its been months and months of tech visits  10-15 visits.  My issue still remains.  Everything has been changed. Everything is new. 

My equipment is working properly. 

Apparently the issues is somewhere where they probably will never find.

And ill never have a good gaming experience on this service. 

I've done all I can, and I've been patient for plenty of months.

I'm going to be searching for an alternative that may actually be able to support a simple gaming sessions

  • jazon's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Im getting to the same point here, Cox is blocking ALL ports on there end of my network have replaced all my equipment twice and no longer rent there modem ether, cant port forward as they have everything blocked makes gaming near impossible,matchmaking almost always fails, lobbys will not connect and most of there support staff are clueless about what a port even is and all run the same script of trying to reset your modem even after you tell them its been restarted a 100 times now and even replaced a few times...i might have to just switch to one of the other providers out here their speeds are not as fast but i bet they will at least work properly.

    • DLabit29's avatar

      Yea. The support is laughable. And I don't think I'll have a gaming chance until I take my business elsewhere

      • jazon's avatar
        New Contributor III

        Yea, when there network is working right its great i had it for 4 years in phoenix never had a single problem super fast,moved to another state.same service is absolute trash so far, was a nightmare to even get it working when i first got here then worked great for a couple months now this port blocking ** started about a week ago,im hoping next time they restart there servers it fixs itself, trying to call them to ask them to reset a node for the neighborhood is like im speaking another language to there staff.

    • persnickety's avatar
      New Contributor

      periods and sentence structure dude.

      Cox doesn't block all ports, and they do provide a list of the ports they do block and their reasons for blocking them.  Of course anyone can see through their reasons, but none the less, there you have it.

      You shouldn't be having problems porting to your games.  If you are, then you need to double and triple check your settings, ip addresses etc.

      As far as home connections go, mine is very complex and secure, with three separate networks on the 192, 172 and 10 ip blocks, and I have plenty of ports open and forwarded to the various networks.  I've been doing this for 30+ years on commercial service.  This includes ports for games, ssh, sftp, plex, remote login to numerous computers, applications etc. 

      I'm not defending cox, believe me, I've had my run arounds with cox's so called 'tech support'.

      • persnickety's avatar
        New Contributor

        I meant residential service, not commercial.


  • cliffhangar's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I feel you man, been having problems that for the past year that have yet to be resolved even after so much back and forth. Can't wait for another broadband service to enter my neighborhood

    • DLabit29's avatar

      My 2nd option isn't very fast. But if its stable, it'll be enough for what I'm doing 

    • JonathanJ's avatar
      Former Moderator

      It appears we had some work in the area that may have affected your service it was resolved 10/14/20. If you're still having an issue we may need to schedule a technician out. Simply email your full name, address, and a link to this thread if you're still having an issue.

      Jonathan J
      Cox Moderator
      • eledoux's avatar
        New Contributor

        I've found that the way to get acceptable service from Cox is to have Quest install fiber in your neightbor hood then the Cox people finally start doing their job getting the service you were paying for all along but at a slight higher price than Quest would have provided that service. I been a Cox customer for slightly over 35 years and have finally been satisfied with the,until recently monopoly, in our city. πŸ˜ŽπŸ’–πŸ˜Ž