5 years agoContributor
I give up
Its been months and months of tech visits 10-15 visits. My issue still remains. Everything has been changed. Everything is new.
My equipment is working properly.
Apparently the issues is ...
Im getting to the same point here, Cox is blocking ALL ports on there end of my network have replaced all my equipment twice and no longer rent there modem ether, cant port forward as they have everything blocked makes gaming near impossible,matchmaking almost always fails, lobbys will not connect and most of there support staff are clueless about what a port even is and all run the same script of trying to reset your modem even after you tell them its been restarted a 100 times now and even replaced a few times...i might have to just switch to one of the other providers out here their speeds are not as fast but i bet they will at least work properly.
periods and sentence structure dude.
Cox doesn't block all ports, and they do provide a list of the ports they do block and their reasons for blocking them. Of course anyone can see through their reasons, but none the less, there you have it.
You shouldn't be having problems porting to your games. If you are, then you need to double and triple check your settings, ip addresses etc.
As far as home connections go, mine is very complex and secure, with three separate networks on the 192, 172 and 10 ip blocks, and I have plenty of ports open and forwarded to the various networks. I've been doing this for 30+ years on commercial service. This includes ports for games, ssh, sftp, plex, remote login to numerous computers, applications etc.
I'm not defending cox, believe me, I've had my run arounds with cox's so called 'tech support'.
I meant residential service, not commercial.
Yes i know how to network and port forward i have professionally ran wired networking in homes,i also know what ports cox blocks ..a direct modem connection with no firewall or routing on the device is wide open, not being able to get pinged from a port checker online is a problem with their service not my system.
they have sent out three guys now each one of them not able to get a port test to pass,we have tried 6 modems direct with no routers involved,and no software firewalls running on two towers and two laptops,today i got a call from them stating there is nothing else they can do that i am getting my advertised speeds and apparently dont guaranty you will be able to use them for games or remote desktop service or anything else that needs open ports as literately all 65,535 ports are blocked unintentionally with what im guessing is a bad node on there network.
Cox was great in AZ but totally ** in KS ,service was working great the first month i was here until their network went down one night for a half hour ever since all ports have been blocked checked everything necessary a 100 times over for port forwarding even DMZ my gaming system a few times on the router for the hell of it but if i cant get a port to be open with no router....
They also need to better train there employees or at least train some to troubleshoot there networks the first two guys they sent out didnt even know what port forwarding was.
Problem is its not a port forwarding issue as even with no router,firewall or security at all and a direct internet connection ALL ports for direct inbound traffic are blocked. they sent out three guys all of which confirmed the issue was on Coxs end likely a node issue,cox themselves have done nothing about it.