Current issue with League of Legends (NA)
I'm asking support from both ends if there is an issue that I can not see as of right now as the problem isn't with my house or equipment. Are the nodes for Cox in NLVegas okay? At around the same time every day 6pm-8pm there seems to be some sort of strange lag with the game(I'm not sure when it ends, I end up too frustrated to continue playing). At first it didn't reveal itself on the in games ping, and it was strange micro lag, and now it's become visible through ping. The moment my ping leaves 57 and jumps around between 60-85. It hasn't yet revealed itself anywhere else, not while I'm streaming, not while nothing, but the game is happening. Still happening with or without any other devices connected. I'm wired in on my PC. This issue didn't happen until the most recent patch began happen. The season for the game just started so it could be there servers are taxed, but after the node issue I can't be super sure anymore of consistency with ISP.
I've speed tested and ping plotter'd while in the middle of these things happening and nothing comes up so I can only really believe it's the game currently. Gonna be really frustrated if Riot Support tells me to do more junk just to tell me there servers are fine and to CHECK MY ISP.
There was maintenance done earlier this week in my area apparently, but the issue continues to persist so it's only really convincing me it's the game. Though a single time during one of these nights my entire net blipped out for a literal moment and immediately came back, but I assume the maintenance afterwards would've made sure that didn't happen again.