Hello there. I certainly apologize for the email issue you are experiencing. I can understand how frustrating that can be when you are trying to set up your email. I have tested the emailmove URL, as well, and did not have any issue being redirected to the URL that Shariel provided you. Do you have issues when actually copy and pasting the URL to the address bar? If not, there may be a different issue you are experiencing when clicking links because the URL, itself, does redirect to a foreign entity. Can you provide a screenshot of the site and link you are clicking on with your mouse hovering it, to see the redirect on your browser?
Also, the URL provided by Shariel provides information on the transition, but at the bottom of the article, the "Completing the Transition to Yahoo" is the article that you would follow with logging into the Yahoo site for the first time. I have provided the URL for your convenience here, https://www.cox.com/residential/support/completing-the-transition-to-yahoo.html. This is to allow you to change your password and log into yahoo. I hope this information helps and please let us know if the URLs work. If you need account-specific assistance, please send us an email to Cox.Help@cox.com with your full name and complete address? We would be happy to help.