Forum Discussion

rmgerrmann's avatar
New Contributor II
3 months ago

Connectivity Issues with Cox XB8 Modem - Consistent Intermittent Packet loss.

Since upgrading my service plan and receiving the Cox XB8 modem, I have encountered significant network issues, including substantial packet loss and intermittent lag spikes. These problems have notably affected my experience while gaming and using video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Please note, I am exclusively using Ethernet connections, eliminating WiFi-related issues as a potential cause. Despite this, the performance has been consistently degraded since the installation of the new modem.

I have repeatedly attempted to resolve these issues through Cox's chat support, where the suggestion has invariably been to reset the modem—a solution I have implemented numerous times without success

Attached are the relevant network statistics that I have gathered. I am reaching a point where the continuation of service under these conditions is untenable. I kindly request a more in-depth investigation or alternative solutions to address these persistent issues. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am eager to find a resolution as soon as possible.


  • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor II

    Can you show a tracert or use Pingplotter? That will show where the issue is happening. Also, use a server/IP you are having issue with as the target. Unless you are having issues with google DNS.

    Also, anything under Troubleshooting > Logs > Event logs for around the time of the issue? My guess is it's T3 timeout errors, but the modem might not keep the logs. Maybe caused by the upstream being on the low side. Should be around 40-42dB and under 50dB. How does the coax get from the street/pole to the room the modem is? Any splitters/amp/filter? I wonder if a attenuator may help.


    • rmgerrmann's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I appreciate the reply. It's not just one service I have an issue with, it's a network wide problem that spikes. I'm having issues with every DNS. There is no specific time for the issue it just happens. Super annoying. I've started monitoring as of last night with Netprobe and it is just supper annoying. No constant 100% packet loss but enough to ruin things. Hope to hear from you again .


      • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor II

        Is it just DNS traffic or all traffic? Hard to see the netprobe data because Cox doesn't allow you to click on a picture to zoom in anymore. Can you use Imgur? From what I can see though, packet loss is less then 1% and the tracert either doesn't show the issue or the issue wasn't happening when you ran the trace. Try using Pingplotter to monitor latency/packet loss over time. If you can't use Pingplotter for some reasons, winMTR is another choice, but not as good IMO.

        Also, can you describe your network setup and config? Why do I see IMAP and POP traffic between and What is device is 177?

        Last, to see if it's a router/gateway issue, try putting the gateway in bridge mode and see if there is a problem.

  • rmgerrmann's avatar
    New Contributor II

    It might say less than 1%. I promise you I notice it all day every day especially in calls and games. It's bad. I don't know what 177 is honestly. My pc is the 116. I just factory reset all Modem settings today so there's no real network setup and config it's all default settings. In this imgur, the one that shows red constantly stays over 50% whatever that means. I appreciate ya.

    • WiderMouthOpen's avatar
      Esteemed Contributor II

      I would check the IPs on your devices and see what 177 is. There should be a way to find out it's MAC address in wireshark or look at your Panoramic app. You can look up the MAC here to tell you the manufacture. If no vendor comes up, it's probably a randomized MAC, which usually means a Apple device. I don't know how it's related to your issue, but it's suspicious so worth looking into. 

      As for the new data, looks like the issue is on hop 3 which is past the CMTS so I don't think a local tech can fix it. It's also less then 1% packet loss so you will hit more red tape. The 50% packet loss is a red herring. If it was real packet loss, you would see it at the next hop. This is called ICMP de-prioritization. Try changing the traffic type to TCP/UDP and see if there is any difference. 

      Also, you don't need to use Imgur for pingplotter. You can post the link directly from File > Sharing > Create sharing page. It's the other images you uploaded that are difficult to see.

      • rmgerrmann's avatar
        New Contributor II

        That 177 is my Xbox. This first ping plotter is for UDP for

        This is TCP with HTTP selected, wasn't sure if I was supposed to tick DNS or Http.  Just goes straight to 100% packet loss so I must be doing something wrong with the TCP test?

        Your help is super appreciated for real.