Forum Discussion

T_Nic's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Can't seem to self activate a Cox certified modem MB8600...

I recently received an email from cox telling me that my cable modem is old and outdated.

So, I purchased a  new modem from amazon (MB8600) that was on the certified list. I assumed it would self activate, but there seems to be a problem with the self registration process? I noticed that others got help through email with this problem, should I do that with modem info?

Thanks, T_Nic

  • Yes, you may send us an email with your complete address, account name, the make/model of your modem, serial number and mac ID address. If you'd prefer you may send us a photo of the serial number and MAC ID address. -Carol
  • CarolLM's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Yes, you may send us an email with your complete address, account name, the make/model of your modem, serial number and mac ID address. If you'd prefer you may send us a photo of the serial number and MAC ID address. -Carol
    • T_Nic's avatar
      New Contributor

      Carol, the new modem is up and running!

      Thanks for the help on this!👍☺


  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III
    self registration process

    Self-registration should only apply if the modem also provides telephone service (eMTA).  This shouldn't apply to you.  If your modem is on the Certified list, it should have successfully activated with Cox.

    Calling could be faster, but it involves transfers and being put on Hold.  Email could be convenient, but it involves thoroughness and back-and-forths.  If you email, include your full name and address...and probably include a link to this post.

    • T_Nic's avatar
      New Contributor

      Bruce thanks for the reply, the modem is up and running! A bit of "back-and-forth" emails.😰It wasn't too bad though.
