Forum Discussion

BYY's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Any fixes to Modem Issues with Gigablast.

I’ve been reading that many people are experiencing slow gigablast speeds hardwired. My situation is almost the same. Got gigablast and bought a shiny new nighthawk CM1200 modem to go along nicely with it. To my disappointment and to many others, I was only able to pull 300–350 hardwired directly into the modem. Had techs come out to replace everything from the street to the house, we ran a test with the new coaxial and we got The full 1Gb. Now I connected it to the modem  and hardwired it my ASUS ROG laptop and boom! 300mbps....what a let down. 

has anyone every got this issue resolved???? I’ve seen many posts but no solutions! I’m thinking that the modem was not configured correctly by Cox or it’s possibly a bad modem? 

kinda sad when I’m getting almost the same speeds I Was getting before on 150 preferred. Oh well I can always go back, I got my trusty Arrias SB1693 on standby. 

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