Forum Discussion
Go to the FCC website at and file a complaint or call 888-225-5322. It takes less than 24 hours for that fire to light up @sses all over the place. There's also a link on your bill specific to ACP failures related to Cox under the Customer Information section. It wouldn't allow me to copy and paste.
800-234-3993 is the Cox phone # referenced in that section for issues. I believe its different than the regular old Customer?Don't Care! Number.
Good luck.
- coxuserhere3 years agoNew Contributor II
Thank you I will try calling that number.
- Darkatt3 years agoHonored Contributor
FYI, it's not the responsibility of COX, to ensure the Federal program links to a customer account and sends payment to Cox. Even once everything is setup, until COX receives payment from the government, then the full amount is still due to Cox. Once they receive payment from the government program on your behalf, THEN they discount your bill the amount received from the government. the ACP is a government program -
From the FCC website -
Need Help With the ACP?
If you need to talk to someone about your eligibility or application status, call the ACP Support Center at (877) 384-2575.
To file an informal consumer complaint against your provider involving the ACP, click here.
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