Forum Discussion

RH-V's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Netflix app crashes 2-3 times per show I try to stream. Why bother?

App crashes constantly (multiple times during a single 1 hour long show). DVR looks up and/or becomes unresponsive a few times a month.

Just swapped out the DVR today and lost all our recordings, hoping this would resolve the issue. Nope, 2 netflix failures right off the bat.

Went to the netflix app on our TV, watched 3 episodes with zero issues.

Seriously rethinking why I have this DVR and/or even use the apps. Would save a ton of money and hassles to just cancel the cable service.

I can't be the only one.

14 Replies

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  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Sound like the cable box may have a signal issue. Is there a splitter or amp connected to the coax and does Netflix work on any other boxes?
    • RH-V's avatar
      New Contributor

      "Went to the netflix app on our TV, watched 3 episodes with zero issues."

      There are 2 splitters inline where the main cable splits off into the cable modem, then splits off into the master bedroom.

      Also when watching netflix in the master off the mini box I do not believe we have issues with netflix up there.

      • DustinP's avatar
        I understand the box swap you continue to face freezing on the Netflix App a few times a month. How long after the box has been reset (unplug the power to the DVR for 20 seconds) does Netflix function before freezing happens?

        Cox Forum Support Moderator
  • bearone2's avatar
    Contributor III

    sounds like you're watching netflix on a cell phone, connecting at network speeds, not the same connection used by the tv!!

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    I've always said:  If you want to stream, use a device engineered to stream due to the better chipsets.  A cable-box can stream but it's not engineered to stream well.

    • bearone2's avatar
      Contributor III

      really, i have 2 different netflix accounts on 2 wifi tv's off the pano unit, both watch netflix, at the same time without any issues!!

      well the speed/data plan, with multiple firestick/roku/tv/cell phones/etc, accessing at the same time play a big part in how good netflix works!!

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        What device is actually doing the steaming?