No valid router list on the Cox.con web
Cox are decide increase the cost of my awesome slow and expensive connection. I’m from Europe and I normally pay $30 for a 600/600 line with taxes, without any download limit. i understand we are in a diferent country and I need to pay more of the doble for a horrible 150/10 line with a really low download limit. But the limit for me it’s when Cox increase the cost of my line when I have a permanence agreement with them. And I only can quit the limited router they provide me. I read very carefully the router list in his web and I find a Arris TG1682 in a good price. I won’t have a better service but i will save some money. when I arrive to my home and I put my “new” router the system tell me “it’s not compatible” I review one more time the list and I call to customer service. They tell me this router only works when I rent to them. I spend my time and my money in look the routers and buy one. And COX cannot provide service over the routers they are listed as “compatible” the person attend me tell me only the routers of Netgear can works good. I can be sure Cox it’s not the better company. But in my town,unfortunately, we don’t have option. But... really? They publish a list of routers and it’s not valid?2.7KViews0likes8CommentsYouTube Buffering Issues with Cox TG1682G Panoramic Wifi Modem/Router
There is an issue with the Cox Panoramic Router/Modem and YouTube. I can't tell if there's a firewall setting or something I'm missing. YouTube videos buffer while using the Cox Arris TG1682G Panoramic Gateway. I thought at first that Cox may be throttling YouTube so I got the FCC involved. I still suspect it, but haven't been able to prove it. However, when I put the Panoramic Modem/Router in Bridged Mode, and connect my own router to it, YouTube doesn't buffer and videos load instantly. Keep in mind that while using the Modem/Router combo in it's normal Routed/w NAT mode; that speeds were great overall. So it isn't a speed issue. It's YouTube in particular and videos taking 5-10 seconds to buffer before playing, only on Cox's network. This was tested on several different computers, and mobile phones with the same results. I've changed DNS servers to use non Cox DNS, played in the router settings, turned off TG1682G firewall, etc. I can't think of anything else that could be causing this except Cox doing some sort of traffic shaping/prioritization, or throttling with YouTube coming from their device, or a TG1682G device setting. Results were intermittent at times, meaning a few times videos would load instantly. That lead me to believe that it wasn't necessarily throttling, but traffic shaping/prioritization instead. Cox has denied those claims as well. The only constant in all of this is the Cox Arris Panoramic Gateway.7.4KViews0likes6Commentstg1682 modem with smart tv problems
just recently 'graduated' from our older modem/router to the new tg1682, installed by cox on 1/20/2018. works fine with our internet on our pc, our iphones and fire 10 tablet. however, the quality of picture on netflix on our smart tv is greatly not crisp as it was. (on our old cox modem). all netflix channels are not clean and clear. the tg1682 has been rebooted twice, same results.1.5KViews0likes4Comments